Getting to Grips with Digital Networks – Digital Networking Handbook for Counselling Professionals

In employment and career services, the situation of customers is examined comprehensively. One area to be addressed in the guidance is networking. Networking, both traditionally face-to-face and online, supports the transition to working life and the development of a career path. In addition to supporting networking, customers with immigrant backgrounds in particular need culture specific guidance on how to operate in Finland. This is where guidance professionals play an important role.

Getting to Grips with Digital Networks Handbook leads the guidance professional pragmatically to bring digital networking into the discussion and to guide customers forward in networking. The handbook supports and offers tips for paying attention to different customers, motivating them and supporting a pro-networking attitude. In addition, it provides information on networking both in social media and in remote events.

The handbook is based on the learning experiences of the DigiMESH project of Turku University of Applied Sciences, and guidance professionals have been involved in editing its content. One of the objectives of the DigiMESH project was to develop the capabilities of professionals guiding immigrant customers in supporting digital networking.

The publication has been translated from a work in Finnish, “ Digiverkostothaltuun – digitaalisen verkostoitumisen käsikirja ohjausalan ammattilaisille”.