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Sivu päivitetty 11.6.2024
Letters from Europe - Kirjeitä Euroopasta

Letters from Europe - Kirjeitä Euroopasta

Turun AMK:n Taideakatemia / Theatre in Palm -hanke
Naruteatteri, Linnankatu 54, 20100Turku

4.9.2024 klo 17:00 - 6.9.2024 klo 19:00

Unsilenced Theatre, a theatre group from Finland, is creating a documentary-based installation centred around the untold stories of European people. The first opening of the installation is in September in Turku, Finland 2024.The installation will be prepared during the working residency in August. Letters from Europe is part of the Theatre in Palm project, co-funded by the European Union.


Installation open for the audience:
Wed 4.9.2024 at 17:00-19:00
Thu 5.9.2024 at 17:00-19:00
Fri 6.9.2024 at 17:00-19:00

Minka Laukniemi
Rita Löytty
Milka Rasimus
Anni Suvanto
Tella Vahala

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