Support for your well-being

Sun hyvä elämä -palveluiden logo, valkoinen

Our services

Students are also actively working in our other research and development environments. Discover all the services offered in our laboratories and learning environments.

How to find us

Our services are located at our campus in Kupittaa (EduCity, ICT-city or Medisiina D), for more information see the service pages listed above.

We also have the Sun hyvä elämä clinic, a multidisciplinary learning environment for our students. At the clinic, the students learn through genuine customer contacts. You can find the clinic at Joukahaisenkatu 3 (ICT-City, 1st floor).

We welcome various requests for cooperation:

A good life for us all

Sun Opix is the blog website of the fields of Health and Well-being at Turku UAS. Its topics handle e.g., studying in different learning environments and practical training and theses included in the studies. The writers are our teachers, students and cooperation partners.

Suggest a text for publication, contact Aleksi Rajamäki,

Hyve online publication offers insights from experts on research and everyday activities.

Find out more and become a writer, contact Päivi Myllymäki,