Bachelor's Degree

Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care

Kolme sairaanhoitajaa simulaationuken sängyn äärellä tekemässä hoitotoimenpiteitä.

Educating experts in Nursing

As a registered nurse, your mission in society is to support individuals, families, and communities in determining, achieving, and maintaining their health. You are able to implement and develop nursing that is health-promoting and sustaining, disease-preventing, curative and rehabilitative.

Upon graduation, you will work as an independent nursing specialist while treating patients and conducting medical care. You help a person face illness and disability and support them as death approaches. You will work in collaboration with various professional groups such as doctors, physiotherapists and social workers.

The core competence studies are based on the EU Professional Qualifications Directive, and the degree programme thus provides qualifications to work as a registered nurse in the EU.

This degree programme is conducted only in Finnish. Read more and see the application instructions on the Finnish site.

Students sitting with ice cream on the Turku riverbank