Midwifery, Bachelor of Health Care
As a midwife, you are an expert in sexual and reproductive health promotion and in gynaecology nursing. The midwife guides and takes care of the woman and the whole family at different stages of life cycle as well as in situations of health changes and disturbances.
A midwife degree is a double degree from which you get both a midwife’s and a nurse’s qualification.

Degree title
Bachelor of Health Care
Scope and duration
Type of studies
Teaching language
Educating experts in Midwifery
As a midwife, you are an expert in family planning, the midwifery of pregnant, parturient and postpartum women, the midwifery of healthy neonatal babies and their families, as well as gynaecological care.
Studying to become a midwife is diverse and practical. The studies include diverse local and online teaching, independent and small group studies, and internships on campus in laboratory and simulation facilities and in working life.
The degree programme in Midwifery also includes nursing education. So you will graduate with a double degree: as a registered nurse and as a midwife.
This degree programme is conducted only in Finnish. Read more and see the application instructions on the Finnish site.
Exchange Studies at Turku UAS
At Turku UAS, we embrace internationality and warmly welcome exchange students for a semester or an entire academic year. All our faculties offer a range of courses taught in English, which guarantees that you can get full advantage of the time you spend with us. Every year over 300 students select Turku UAS as their exchange destination.
Turku: a Student city
Turku, located in the region of Southwest Finland, is one of Finland’s biggest cities. The bustling lifestyle structure and top class education, culture, and services, as well as the beautiful archipelago, make for a magnetic combination in Turku.