Exchange studies

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Courses for exchanges students

International semesters in 2025–2026


Master: Master School not available for exchange students due to the nature of the degree programs.

Additional courses suitable for all Exchange Students

Turku UAS offers these general courses to all exchange students:

Multicultural and International competence, 5 ECTS, course code TE00CS61-3001

  • This course aims to bring Finnish and international students together and improve their competence in the multicultural world of work. Understanding the significance of multiculturalism makes communication between people from different cultural backgrounds easier.
  • The students learns the multicultural aspects of Turku and its international working life with the help of theoretical knowledge and activities that explore the themes, like events, workshops, and expert lectures.
  • Graded 0-5.

Finnish for Exchange students, 3 ECTS, course code 1000474

  • Beginners course for Finnish language. Available for all exchange students. 

The courses presented on the page are preliminary course lists, meaning that some changes might occur. You can take courses from the faculty of which your home university is a partner.

Course selection:

  • Choose courses from one school only with which your university has an exchange agreement​
  • 30 ECTS/academic semester or 60 ECTS/academic year​
  • Choose full international semesters/modules, not single courses​
  • You may choose additional courses from​ “Additional courses suitable for all exchange students” section.
  • Consider the prerequisites of each course/module – do you have a suitable background?​
  • The number of students might be limited for some modules (or courses). Therefore, we suggest that you select also a second option for the module(s).

Workload: The recommended workload for exchange students is 5 ECTS / month. ECTS (European Credit System). One ECTS credit is equal to 27 hours of student work. 60 ECTS credits are equal to one academic year of study.

When: see the semester dates

Where: Teaching takes place on the Kupittaa Campus, City of Turku.

Credit and Grading system
ECTS grading is comparable to the Turku UAS grading system. ECTS grading uses the scale F-A, we use a scale 0-5. The courses can also be graded H (passed) or F (failed). The grade H means that the student has met all the learning goals of the course. The grades are as follows: H = pass, 5 (A) = Excellent, 4 (B) = Good, 3 (C) = Good, 2 (D) = Satisfactory, 1 (E) = Satisfactory, 0 (F/FX) = Fail

Steps towards exchange studies

Our exchange program is aimed at students from our partner institutions


Who can apply?

First, check if your current institution and Turku UAS Turku UAS’s faculty has an exchange agreement. You can do this, for example, by contacting the international office at your home institution. This way you can be sure that you are eligible for exchange studies or practical training.


Choose the programme and studies

Explore the international semester or modules that fits best for you. Please note, you can only take courses from the faculty of which your home university is a partner. 


How to apply?

Discuss and agree with your home university about exchange studies. Your home institution needs to nominate you as an applicant to Turku UAS. After you have been nominated, you will receive e-mail including information and instructions to the whole application process NB. Application process will take some time, so make sure you’re nominated and completed the application including the application documents before the deadline. See the detailed instructions for the application process.


Welcome for exchange studies to Turku UAS

You will receive the information concerning your acceptance by email. We will also send information about the start of your studies. We are looking forward to having you here!


Before arrival: it’s time to reserve accommodation and pay attention to other practicalities

What do I need to do before arrival? See the checklist and schedules for orientation days.