Master Minds hackathon

Creative and proactive solutions for a sustainable future
Ryhmä opiskelijoita innovoimassa pöydän ympärillä

Looking for support in forecasting competence needs, insights into future technologies or sustainable circular economy solutions? An enthusiastic team of highly skilled professionals from different fields of study is ready to address your organisation’s future challenges and strategic issues.

Turku UAS’ Master School is organising a hackathon on 28 April 2025, where over 70 Master School students, i.e. active experts already qualified in working life, are ready to brainstorm solutions and out-of-the-box ideas for your organisation’s assignment.

The students will work remotely in multidisciplinary teams of five. Each assignment will be worked on by 10 teams.

Master Minds hackathon assignments can be related to your organisation’s future plans, foresight and/or challenges. The framework consists on three themes under which we hope the assignments will be structured:

  • Circular economy and a sustainable future
  • Forecasting future skills needs
  • Future technologies, interaction between humans and technology

We will select six assignments in Finnish and two in English into implementation.
The deadline for submitting an assignment is 16 March.

NOTE! In addition to submitting the assignment, we hope that you will be present (via Zoom remote connection) on the morning of the hackathon on 28 April for the briefing of the teams and also in the afternoon to hear the results of the teams’ work.

Master School degree programmes, spring 2025
  • Sales Management
  • Business Management

Contact us and let’s discuss more

Submit an assignment by 16.3.2025.

For whom? Businesses and organisations that want to develop their business and find solutions to current challenges or future strategies through the ideas of experts.

Price: participation is free of charge for the organisation.

Location: the Master Minds Hackathon is an online event.