
Direct Connection to Academy Enterprises

BusinessAcademy combines the needs of the working life in Finland with the future makers with an entrepreneurial mindset, even before the students graduate. Behind the scenes, the academy entrepreneurs are supported by a team of sales and marketing experts.

BusinessAcademy provides companies with bold and innovative skills and offers the students an opportunity to learn work-life skills and an entrepreneurial approach already during their studies. We can help you quickly all year round and our services can be scaled exactly to your organisation’s needs.

In BusinessAcademy, you discuss on the assignment directly with the students who are academy entrepreneurs, so you can immediately start working with the entrepreneurs themselves. Co-operative entrepreneurs are creative thinkers who boldly develop new ideas and approaches.

Academy enterprises have different areas of expertise depending on their composition. Our range of services include, for example

  • sales, marketing and product presentations
  • event production
  • market research and surveys
  • graphic design and content production
  • various web implementations, such as the creation or renewal of websites
  • social media campaigns (e.g. TikTok and Instagram)
  • live streaming
Potrettikuva Mikko Rantanen

The cooperation with the BusinessAcademy has been innovative, flexible and fresh, which has helped to create new business opportunities. Their modern ways of approaches have supported the development of our projects.

Mikko Rantanen
Serial entrepreneur

Long-term and delicious cooperation

The BusinessAcademy cooperatives have been working with the Salo-based companies Herkku and Lahja Murena for several years. The partnership has a longer tradition and benefits both parties.

Responsible for the BusinessAcademy

Please contact us if you are interested in a broader partnership or research collaboration.