Acoustics Laboratory

Acoustic measurements
Turun AMK:n akustiikkalaboratorio palvelee yrityksiä rakennustuotteiden, kalusteiden, materiaalien, koneiden ja laitteiden akustisten ominaisuuksien testauksessa ja tuotekehityksessä.

The Acoustics Laboratory is a research and development environment where we offer high-quality product testing and development services for companies. In addition, the laboratory is used for public-funded scientific research.

The Acoustics laboratory serves companies for example in questions related to the product development and testing of construction products, furniture, air products and machinery.

  • Laboratory tests in the reverberation room
  • Material tests for small pieces
  • Acoustic measurements in buildings, workplaces, vessels, and development environments
  • Office acoustics services
  • Noise measurements for equipment and machines

We can also produce independent opinions and research, as well as provide noise abatement planning and consultation services. Some of our services are FINAS accredited.

Contact us

  • Valtteri Hongisto

    Principal Lecturer
    +358 40 585 1888

Location: Acoustics Laboratory is located in Turku (EduCity, Kupittaa Campus), Southwest Finland.