Research group
Practice-based pedagogy
We offer research-based knowledge and new pedagogical methods and approaches to develop meaningful learning, high-quality education and skills.

Education is in a state of flux, where change and uncertainty are constant. Continuous learning and changing skills needs, digitalisation and more personalised support needs are transforming teaching and learning.
But how should we learn and teach in a changing world? How can we build a meaningful learning experience and an inspiring work-based learning environment? What kind of pedagogy supports learners’ personal needs and well-being and helps them to attach to the higher education community? In the Practice-based Pedagogy research group, we explore and develop different aspects of higher education and learning in a changing world.
Our research group is practice-oriented. We develop new methods and approaches based on research evidence.
By bringing knowledge and understanding to learning and high-quality education, we support students’ and teachers’ well-being, skills development and adaptation to changing job profiles. Research-based understanding in the development of teaching also provides support for pedagogical leadership and decision-making.
These we research and develop
- linguistic and cultural diversity in higher education
- pedagogical well-being and guidance
- innovation pedagogy and competences
- online learning environments and pedagogy
- identification of competences, small sets of competences and electronic labels
- multidisciplinary practice-based project learning

In the Practice-based Pedagogy research group, we combine everyday pedagogy, research and development to promote impact across the world of work. Research-based understanding in the development of education provides support for pedagogical leadership and decision-making.
Meiju Keinänen, Principal Lecturer, Research Group Leader
Our experts
The strength of our research group lies in the multidisciplinarity of the experts. Our operations combine field-specific expertise and versatile pedagogical competence with the strong financing and project expertise of Turku UAS’ project professionals. Key personnel are Maiju Keinänen ja Timo Halttunen.
Learning environments support the research team’s activities
Learning environments are central to our activities, in particular the learning environments of the joint studies of the Engineering and Business faculty (mathematics, physics, languages, guidance and counselling and and multidisciplinary project modules), which also serve as testbeds for RDI projects and as training and service products for external use.
We also work closely with the faculty’s training and faculty-specific learning environments and other research groups at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Timo Halttunen, Christian Dragin-Jensen, Céline Kylänpää, Anders Karkov, 2023, Collaborative problem solving: a pedagogy for workplace relevance, The Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (NJVET). Collaborative problem solving: a pedagogy for workplace relevance | Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (
Hirard, T. & Karaus, E. 2024. Complementary skills and networks for highly skilled immigrants. In (Kirjavainen, H. & Pettersson, A.) Higher education institutions supporting recent migrants. Turku University of Applied Sciences, reports 269. 37-42. https://www.
Hänti, Sirpa, Keinänen Meiju, Välivirta-Havia Maria, Al-Bermanei Hazem, Ketola Mari and Heikkilä Jonna (2021) . Educator´s Guide for Designing Hybrid Learning Environments for the VUCA World, Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Kantola, M. et al. 2023. Possible future scenarios for vocational higher education up to 2030, Futura.
Keinänen, M. (2019) Educating Innovative Professionals: a case study on researching students’ innovation competences in one Finnish University of Applied Sciences. Research Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 49.
Keinänen, M. & Välivirta Havia, M. (2022). Embedding Uncertainty in the Learning Process: An Evaluation Case-Study of VUCA Model in Education. Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning, p. 151. Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning SpringerLink
Keinänen, M. & Konst, T. 2024. Re-validating an assessment tool to identify, assess and develop higher education students’ innovation competence in online education. Book: Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. Springer.
Taru Konst, Tuija Koivunen and Mervi Friman, 2023, Building a sustainable future: ideas and perceptions of university staff, Foresight.
Paula Tyrväinen, Mauri Kantola & Sanna Simola, 2023, Building a CampusOnline portal for flexible learning. UAS Journal. building a CampusOnline portal for flexible learning – UAS Journal
Network and partners
As a research group, we are active in national and international networks and work closely with secondary and higher education institutions and education companies in Finland and abroad.
- Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education – CARPE, Pedagogy, Learning & Innovation SIG
- Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education, ELITE
- European Universities Continuing Education Network, EUCEN
- Trainers and developers of higher education pedagogy – KOUKE
- Nordic Network for Adult Learning, NVL
- The CDIO™ INITIATIVE – Innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers
- The Finnish Society for Practice Based Inquiry – PraBa
- The International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education, ISATE

The research team in figures
- 1000 participants in a study on learning skills from 13 different degree programmes
- 25 pedagogical experts
- 30 partners (international + Finnish)
- 20 publications per year
- 3000 RDI project partners from students, teachers, companies and experts
Study in a research group
- Thesis in the Practice-oriented pedagogy research group
- Practical training in the Practice-based pedagogy research group
- YAMK research group studies
Continuous learning trainings
- Specialist in Sustainable Tourism | 1 + 5 credits
- Uncertainty as an asset (incoming)
- Networks to work – skills training for highly skilled immigrants
- Preparatory training for higher education for immigrants
Strong project skills
Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.