Research group
New Ways of Promoting Performance
We develop and research well-being at work and leadership in the changing world of work. New ways of working, leadership, work performance and nature as part of promoting well-being at work are at the heart of what we do.

- Exploring new forms of work and working environments and their impact on well-being. Our roots lie in developing and researching new forms of work and related methods for promoting well-being at work.
- Promoting employability in the changing world of work. We act as an expert and development partner for interventions to promote the working capacity of staff.
- Nature-based and sustainable solutions for well-being at work.

The ways and tools of working are constantly changing, and more and more work is done regardless of time and place. This challenges individuals, teams, communities and larger organizations alike. As researchers, developers and service providers, we are part of this change.
Marion Karppi, Research Group Leader
Peer-reviewed publications
Karppi M., Aramo-Immonen H., Hyrkkänen U., Jokisaari M. (2024). Emergence of Shared Leadership in Project Teams: The Role of Events. Project leadership and society 5 (2024): 100145-. Web.
Hyrkkänen, U., Vanharanta, O., Kuusisto, H., Polvinen, K., & Vartiainen, M. (2022).Predictors of job crafting in SMEs working in an ICT-based mobile and multilocational manner. International Small Business Journal, 0(0)
Karppi, M., Jerez-Roig, J., Naamanka, K., Mimoso, T., Sormunen, E., Dudoniene, V. et al. (2022). Safe patient handling education: analysis from European higher education institutions. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. doi:10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01954
Karppi, M. & Koroma, J. (2021). Työterveyshuollon etänä toteutettavan neuvonnan ja ohjauksen käyttöönottoa edistävät ja estävät tekijät. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare
Irina Katajisto-Korhonen (editor and writer) and Afrisa Kapella, Mary-Ann Kaukinen, Minna Kivi and Telle Tuominen, (2023). Luontolähtöistä liiketoimintaa ja työhyvinvointia kehittämässä. Turku University of Applied Sciences
Tapio, Iida et al. 2023. Projektitiimien jaetun johtamisen, toimivuuden ja hyvinvoinnin kehittyminen. Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
Naumanen P. (ed.) 2023. FOKUS työhyvinvoinnin johtamiseen. Arviointi, kehittämisehdotukset, keinot ja menetelmät kehittämiseen
Karlsson, K. (ed.) (2022). Omaishoitajan monenlaiset urapolut. Turku University of Applied Sciences
Our experts
We are developers and researchers of new forms of work, well-being and leadership, and an expert partner for interventions for promoting well-being at work.
Related degree programmes
Our research and learning environments
We operate in the following environments enhancing research and development.
Simulation Center Simucenter
Strong project skills
Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.