Research group

New Energy

The core themes of our research are energy in its new ways of production, distributed energy systems, energy storages and sustainable mobility. We train new energy engineers and offer consulting, testing and measurement services to companies as part of the New Energy Research Centre.

With our research, we respond to the system-level questions on the energy of buildings, districts and cities. We also consider a very wide spectrum of questions in energy production, from home appliances to large ships. We focus on the electrical form of energy distribution, as well as on heat transfers. We also work with storages in electrochemical, thermal and chemical forms. 

In the sustainable mobility focus area we research and develop electric charging solutions and battery performance testing from e-bikes to e-buses. We promote active mobility modes and public transport with simulation based studies, hardware-in-the-loop based testing and impact and process evaluation of mobility measures.

Our research focus

  • Photovoltaics
  • Wind Energy
  • Bio-energy
  • Energy Storage
  • Sustainability
  • Power Electronics
  • Distributed Energy Systems
  • E-mobility
  • Citizen Engagement

Our Experts

Our research group is multidisciplinary and international and active in both research and teaching. In our team competencies in photovoltaics, wind energy, electrochemical energy storage, power electronics, energy measurement, sustainable mobility and data management come together.  Our members’ different backgrounds are the best ground for creativity and innovation, while many years of experience help us to be agile, reliable and accurate. The wide spectrum of knowledge is at the disposal of our students and we also regularly have students working on our projects as assistants, providing them with valuable experience.

  • Aleksi Heinonen

    Senior Advisor
    +358 40 037 3556
  • Anne Norström

    +358 40 355 0365
  • Annika Kunnasvirta

    Project Manager
    +358 40 355 0932
  • Arto Lehtonen

    Laboratory responsible
    +358 50 463 7480
  • Dominique Roggo

    Lecturer (Main occupation)
    +358 22 633 50
  • Heidi Heikkilä

    Project Manager
    +358 40 355 0135
  • Jussi Hurri

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 44 907 2873
    Electrical engineering
  • Nida Jafri

    +358 50 348 3450
  • Osmo Huhtala

    Head of Education and Research, Head of Education and Research
    +358 40 355 0122
    electrical engineering, energy
  • Ossi Koskinen

    Principal Lecturer, RDI Contact Person
    +358 50 462 8387
    Hydrogen economy, wind power, energy storage.
  • Rami Wahlsten

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 40 355 0910
  • Rauli Lautkankare

    Senior Lecturer, Project Manager
    +358 50 598 5668
  • Ritva Salminiitty

    Senior Advisor
    +358 50 598 5245
  • Samuli Ranta

    Senior Lecturer, Research Group Leader
    +358 40 355 0833
  • Shuo Wang

    +358 22 633 50
  • Tero Tuomarmäki

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 50 400 3333
  • Tomi Knuutila

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 50 348 0864
  • Ville Lavonen

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 44 907 2086

The New Energy research group provides the students at Turku University of Applied Sciences with opportunities for being involved with the research group’s activities. Student, if you would like to do your internship or thesis for New Energy, fill in the application.

We also produce several courses/study modules for the degree programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering. Renewable energy is one of the three main fields of specialization that the students can choose.

Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.