Research group
Global Gateway – Co-creative Management and Responsible Leadership
Solutions for work management, leadership and skills development in an international environment.

We develop companies and organisations in a global environment by creating new knowledge and innovative people-centred solutions that promote work management, organisational competences and leadership, and the potential of hybrid work for decision-making and business.
Focus areas
- Project management
- Responsible and proactive management
- Inclusive leadership
The subjects of our research
- inclusive and accountable leadership,
- managing diversity,
- proactive management,
- communication and teamwork skills for hybrid work, and
- project management in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.

The importance of participatory and responsible leadership is emphasised in hybrid work and in an international operating environment where people operate in increasingly diverse teams.
Marjatta Rännäli , Leader of the research group
Karppi M., Aramo-Immonen H., Hyrkkänen U., Joel-Edgar S., Jokisaari M. (2024) Event chains triggering or hindering the emergence of shared leadership in project teams. Forthcoming June 2024 in EURAM2024 conference.
Bona-Sánchez, C., Salokangas H., Sorsa K., (2024) Exploring Cost Stickiness in the textile industry: A comparative analysis between the Nordic countries and Spain. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(6), 2599; – 20 Mar 2024.
Salokangas, H., Helander N., Aramo-Immonen, H., Sorsa, K., Venkitachalam, K. (2023) Exploring the Current State and Future Research Agenda for Sustainability Knowledge Spillover in the Textile Industry. In the proceedings of IFKAD2023.
Sorsa, K., Aramo-Immonen, H., Helander, N., Ammirato, S., Felicetti, A., Salokangas, H. (2023) Legal and regulatory innovations pushing forward sustainability transition – Systematic Literature Review. In the proceedings of IFKAD2023.
Jussila J. & Aramo-Immonen H. (2022) Data-driven logic transforming public innovations. Public Innovation and Digital Transformation. pp. 57-67 Routledge.
Mogles, N., Joel-Edgar, S., Aramo-Immonen, H., Emanuel, L., Robinson, K., Hicks, B., Newnes, L., Snider, C., Gopsill, J. (2022) Big data visualizations for systems thinking in public innovation. Public Innovation and Digital Transformation. pp. 111-128 Routledge.
Prenkert, F., Hedvall, K., Hasche, N., Eklinder-Frick, J., Abrahamsen, M., Aramo-Immonen, H., Baraldi, E., Bocconcelli, R., Harrison, D., Huang, L., Huemer, L., Kask, J., Landqvist, M., Pagano, A., Perna, A., Poblete, L., Ratajczak-Mrozek, M., Wagrell, S. (2022) Resource interaction: Key concepts, relations and representations. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol 105, 48-59.
Skarli Poppy, Williams Rob (2022) How to empower and engage students on an online course – lessons learned from the CATAPULT project. ICC-JOURNAL Volume 4, Issue 1, May 3, 2022
Cédric Sarré, Poppy Skarli, Anna Turula (2021) The pedagogy of languages for specific purposes: developing key professional competences through a massive open online course for language teachers . Inovacije4. Teaching innovations, No4 2021, ISSN 0352-2334/ISSN 2335-0806, Dec 29, 2021
Sorsa, Kaisa, Salmi-Tolonen, Tarja (2021) Proactive law, regulation and governance fostering sustainability innovations. YHYS Kollokvium presentation, Nov 26, 2021
Hillgren, Essi; Peltola, Janna; Yilmaz, Fatih; Jinia, Nasrin Jahan; Koivula, Ulla-Maija (2021) Networking To Work: Introduction to The New Models for Integrating Immigrants in Belgium and Finland . Horizon Insights, Quarterly Journal by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, Nov 25, 2021
E. Rivière-Lorphèvre, A. R. Broz Lofiego, P. Dehombreux, J. Dvořák, L. Equeter, S. Hosnedi, K. Markéta, E. Lazaro Lechuga, M. Lindell, P. Lindgren, L. Nemec, T. Neuvonen, B. Olivier, M. Rännäli, M. Varhelahti, M. Varona Alabern, O. Verlinden, J. Čepičková (2021) Concept Paper: MUPIC: Multidisciplinary Project in an International Context. SEFI 49th Annual Conference proceedings: Blended learning in engineering education: challenging, enlighting and lasting?, Sept, 2021
Sorsa, Kaisa, Salmi-Tolonen, Tarja (2021) Proactive governance – prospects for regulating social sustainability in textile industry. IPPA the 5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5), July 8th, Barcelona virtual conference
Varhelahti, Mervi; Turnquist, Tiia (2021) Diversity and communication in virtual project teams . IEEE transactions on professional communication. IEEE transactions on professional communication, Volume: 64, Issue: 2, March 2021
Ojala, Kristiina; Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka; Varhelahti, Mervi (2021) Adult graduates’ employability and mid-career trajectories after graduation with Finnish UAS Master’s degree . In Journal of Education and Work Jan, 2021
Aramo-Immonen, Bocconcelli, Huemer, Pagano, Perna (2020) Knowledge in resource interaction: starting a dialogue among IMP and other theories. Knowledge in resource interaction_IMP2019_WIP_25June copia ( In EURAM 2020 European Academy of Management Conference. ISSN 2466-7498 and ISBN 978-2-9602195-2-4
Aramo-Immonen, Carlborg, Hasche, Jussila, Kask, Linton, Mustafee, Öberg (2020) Charting the reach and contribution of IMP literature in other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis. Industrial Marketing Management. Volume 87, May 2020, Pages 47-62.
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