Research group
Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
We support companies in business development and sustainable value creation. We promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills through continuous learning and update the skills of entrepreneurs through a variety of methods. We study business models and the impact of the digital green transition on the operations of SMEs.

Our philosophy is based on a broad vision of entrepreneurship as internal, autonomous, external and organisational.
In the research group, we develop and research different aspects of entrepreneurship in cooperation with SMEs, business transfer customers, part-time, light and sole traders, sports organisations, municipal and third sector actors. Through projects, we also promote entrepreneurship and the development of entrepreneurial activities among staff and students at all levels of education.
Our key priorities are

Our Goal
In the research group, our goal is to study diversity more strongly in entrepreneurship. We will also continue to grow our international operations.

We help a range of SMEs to grow and develop their business. Our experts can help you transform your business, for example through digitalisation and artificial intelligence. We work in a multidisciplinary way with our regional, national and international partners.
Anette Kairikko, Principal Lecturer , Research Group Leader
Latest publications
Karppelin, A., Nummi-Wikström, M., Asteljoki, S., Aalto, H-K., Majabacka, B. & Vuolas, M. 2023. Inspiration workbook – Advancing the innovation process of the firm. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Learning Materials 152. Innotutka workbook – Advancing the innovation process of a company – Theseus
Kairikko, A, Suonpää, M & Koskinen, J. 2024: Making sense of a co-innovation journey across multiple contexts: a case study of an entrepreneurship micro-credential. In Stimulating Entrepreneurial Activity in a European Context (pp. 9-27). Eds. Costa, S., Groen, A, L. Francisco & Fayolle, A. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rosendahl, A. & Kairikko, A.2023. Threat or opportunity? Business opportunities for sustainable development in an international entrepreneurship MOOC course. In Ilonen, S. & Hytönen, K, (Eds.) YKTS Entrepreneurship Education Days 2023. critical and reflective perspectives on entrepreneurship education. (p. 112).
Schleutker, K. & Lehtinen, L. 2023. Experiences of digital marketing training for micro and SME entrepreneurs. In Ilonen, S. & Hytönen, K, (Eds.) YKTS Entrepreneurship Education Days 2023. Critical and reflective perspectives on entrepreneurship education. (p. 128).
Rosendahl, A. & Kairikko, A. (2023). Mind The Gap – Cultural Sensitivity in Educating SDGs in Business Opportunity Recognition, in C. Bulut, H. Fidlerová, R. Schabereiter (Eds.), The SDGs and Entrepreneurship, Detay: Ankara.
Schleutker, K., Varis, K., Poza-Lujan, J-S. & Caggiano, V. 2023. Presentation of the Preliminary Soft Skills Indicator (3Si) Model to Teachers and Curriculum Planners of Business Schools – A Sample From Finland. Journal of higher Education Theory and Practice. Vol. 23 (13) 2023, 19-23. presentationof3SiJournalofHighereducationtheoryandpractice.pdf
Kairikko, A., Dhaliwal, S., & Cacciolatti, L. (2023). Entrepreneurial micro-ecosystems: a study on connectedness and collaboration in the edtech community in Xheneti et al. (eds) Contextual Embeddedness of Entrepreneurship: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Asteljoki, S. & Nummi-Wikström M. 2022. Women entrepreneurs inspired by digital skills. Arhio, K. & Kaakko, M-L. (eds.) Entrepreneurship Education Conference 28.-29.9.2022 – Entrepreneurship Education 4.0, Entrepreneurship Education Conference – Entrepreneuship Education 4.0, YKTS2022 CONFERENSSIJULKAISU. Centria University of Applied Sciences. 978-952-7173-70-1.pdf ( (p. 92).
Schleutker, K. & Lehtinen, L. 2023. Artificial intelligence – benefit or waste of time?. TALK. Artificial intelligence – a benefit or a waste of time? – Talk Talk ( 15.6.2023
Our experts
Our research group consists of experts with interests in areas such as new business models, sustainable growth opportunities, diverse entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurship and leadership skills, continuous learning and sports-related forms of value creation.
Network and partners
Universities of Turku, Tampere, Vaasa, Helsinki, Åbo Akademi.
Universities of applied sciences: TAMK, OAMK, LAB, Haaga-Helia, Humak, Vaasa, Novia; XAMK, HAMK, JAMK, Savonia, Centria, VAMK.
Vocational education: TAI, Tredu.
Entrepreneurial organisations: the Entrepreneurs of Southwest Finland, Turun Yrittäjät ry., Yrityssalo, Yrityskummit ry. of Southwest Finland, Turun Yrittäjänaiset ry. Kaarina Development, Entrepreneurs of Aura, Paimio, Naantali.
Cities: Turku, Salo, Tampere
TE Office: Southwest Finland
Others: Business Turku, Salo IoT Park, Turku Chamber of Commerce, Toiminnan Avulla Työelämään (TAT), Cycling Federation, Peimari Education Association.
Sports organisations at different levels e.g. Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu
Our international networks

Learning environments that support our activities
Strong project skills
Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.