Research group

Arts, Health and Well-being

crayons on the table, drawing with colours and shapes, people in the background

Our multidisciplinary research group serves as a platform and inspiring cooperation forum for the development of arts, health and well-being competence at Turku UAS.

Everyone has the right to art, creativity and culture as part of a good life. Based on research and experience, we know that participation in arts, culture and creative activities can increase the perceived well-being of both individuals and communities. Through arts and cultural activities, we can support the agency of different kinds of people, strengthen the experience of inclusion and improve the quality of life.

What are we developing?

Our research group develops operating models in the field of creative well-being and the competence of professionals in the field in different operating environments. We want to support encounters between people and comprehensive well-being through art and culture. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promotes social and cultural sustainability in particular.

Our projects focus on three key themes:

1) We strengthen the competence of professionals in the field of arts, health and well-being. Our focus areas are especially multiprofessional work and professional growth. We also develop art-based working methods and opportunities to utilise different art forms to support well-being, encounters, teaching and education. We have long experience in developing hospital and care music work in Finland.

2) We will develop networks, communications, knowledge base and structures in the field of arts, health and well-being in regional, national and international cooperation. Our focus is especially on Nordic and Baltic Sea co-operation.

3) We study and develop the evaluation of arts, health and well-being activities as well as art prescription and cultural referral activities.

nuoret maalaamassa taideseinää
Anna-Mari Rosenlöf by the Aura River in front of the flowerbeds

Service coordinators from specialist services for the elderly in the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland (Varha)

Our experts

  • Anna-Mari Rosenlöf

    Senior Advisor, Project Manager
    +358 50 598 5257
    creative wellbeing
  • Elise Vanhanen

    +358 50 598 5246
  • Liisa Laitinen

    +358 50 468 7263
  • Liisa-Maria Lilja-Viherlampi

    Principal Lecturer Emerita
    +358 40 355 0291
  • Marjo Harju

    Senior Lecturer
    +358 40 355 0507
  • Outi Linnossuo

    Principal Lecturer, Project Manager, Project Worker
    +358 40 355 0508
  • Pirita Juppi

    Principal Lecturer, Degree Programme Leader
    +358 40 355 0157
  • Uli Kontu-Korhonen

    Lecturer (Main occupation)
    +358 50 598 5287

Through our extensive networks, we work actively with our regional, national and international partners to develop the creative well-being sector.