Research group

Built Environment

Akustiikkalaboratorion kaiuntahuone

We conduct scientific research related to acoustics, air conditioning and environmental psychology. In addition, we offer companies high-quality product testing and development services, such as noise measurements, air conditioning surveys and material tests.

Research data produced by us can be utilized in product development, development of national regulations and design guidelines regarding the built environment, international standardization and university teaching. We lead two international working groups developing ISO measurement standards. The long-term target is to improve the well-being of people in the built environment. Public research projects can be partially funded by companies. 

We also conduct research on underwater noise, the results of which can be utilised, for example, in the protection of the seas and marine animals, as well as in the design of maritime traffic, construction projects affecting the marine environment and wind turbines.

Permanent expert areas 

  • building and environmental acoustics (e.g. product testing, measurements, modeling, development),
  • ventilation (e.g. product testing, measurements, modeling, development),
  • environmental psychology and epidemiology (e.g. noise annoyance in apartments or perception of indoor environment in offices), 
  • experimental psychology in laboratory (e.g. effect of noise or temperature on work performance), 
  • psychophysical experiments in laboratory (e.g. noise annoyance, thermal comfort),
  • measurements in the field of civil engineering,
  • study of underwater noise, especially in archipelago conditions.

Research objects

  • building products (e.g. walls, acoustic boards, machines, furniture, ventilation devices),
  • buildings and their physical indoor environment conditions (e.g. offices and apartments),
  • perceptions of occupants in the built environment (e.g. surveys in offices and apartments), 
  • behaviour and experiences of humans (subjects voluntarily participating our laboratory, experiments), 
  • buildings and their constructions (such as roads, bridges and quays,
  • anthropogenic underwater noise (e.g. noise from maritime traffic). 

Our Experts

The research group includes experts in acoustics, ventilation and environmental psychology.

  • Tapio Keiramo

    Senior Lecturer, Degree Programme Leader
    +358 50 598 5724
  • Sara Pitkänen

    +358 50 344 9295
  • Rauli Lautkankare

    Senior Lecturer, Project Manager
    +358 50 598 5668
  • Reijo Alakoivu

    Research Engineer
    +358 50 598 5619
  • Pirjo Oksanen

    Principal Lecturer Emerita
    +358 44 907 2054
  • Petri Kalliomäki

    Senior Researcher
    +358 43 824 7111
  • Pekka Saarinen

    +358 43 825 6769
  • Maarit Järvinen

    Senior Lecturer, Degree Programme Leader
    +358 50 598 5912
  • Jukka Keränen

    Senior Researcher
    +358 40 505 2305
  • Jouko Lehtonen

    Senior Advisor
    +358 44 907 2059
  • Johann Laukka

    +358 50 477 0902
  • Jenni Radun

    Senior Advisor, Project Manager
    +358 50 598 5205

Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.