On this publication search you’ll find our publications in English published in our publication series since 2004. You’ll find our publications also on the Talk publications platform.
If you’re looking for our publications in Finnish, please see the Finnish website.
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Turku UAS publications
Turku UAS has three publication series: research reports, reports and course materials. We publish applied research; practices and information tested in development projects; guides for professionals; and learning materials for higher education institutions.
All publications go through an editorial process. The authors are Turku UAS staff, students and our partners. Most of the publications are freely downloadable, and some can be ordered in print.
From 2024, some of our serial publications will be published on the Talk publishing platform.
As of 2022, our free-to-download serial publications are published in Theseus and will have a permanent download link and an URN identifier.
At Theseus you will find our publications since 2004. Our serial publications published in 2014 and older can also be found, for example, in the national Finna.fi search service.