International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education 2021: Conference proceedings, August 17th-20th, Turku, Finland, part 3

ISATE 2021 conference was broadcasted online from Turku on August 17 – August 20, 2021. The International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE) event started in 2007 and ISATE 2021 was the 14th ISATE conference and the first one organized outside Asia. ISATE is an international engineering education focused collaboration community covering all Kosen institutions of Japan, all polytechnics from Singapore, Nagaoka University of Technology and Toyohashi University of Technology from Japan and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) of Vocational Training Council (VTC). Turku University of Applied Sciences has worked actively together with the ISATE community since 2013.

The main theme of ISATE 2021 conference was Educating Future Innovators. There were seven subthemes and the submissions to these are published in three parts.

This is Part 3, and it covers the themes

• Health Technology and Medical Engineering

• Functional Engineering Materials.

Part 1 covers the themes

• Active Learning Environments

• Pedagogy for Future Professionals

and Workshop descriptions.

Part 2 covers the themes

• Collaboration of Educational Institutions and Industry

• Continuous Improvement and Quality Enhancement

• Sustainable Development in Education.

(pdf file, 30.2 Mb)

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