Inspire and engage remotely! – Handbook for organising remote events

Remote events are part of the modern world and working life. There are a lot of similarities but also differences between remote events and traditional, face-to-face events. From the organizer’s point of view, it is important to identify the benefits and challenges of remote events.

Inspire and activate remotely! Handbook provides practical ideas and guidance, especially for those who are interested in organising remote events or who already have some experience in the subject. The handbook explores the organisation of remote events, especially from the perspectives of inclusion and interaction.

The handbook is the result of the learning experiences of remote events carried out in the DigiMESH project of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the DigiMESH project was to develop low-threshold events promoting interaction and networking for international talents and employers.

The publication has been translated from a work in Finnish, “Innosta ja aktivoi etänä! – Etätapahtumien järjestämisen käsikirja”.