WoHealth − Empowering immigrant women in supporting their and their families’ health and wellbeing
Project duration
Source of funding
Central Baltic
Total funding
265.834 €
The project provided peer support to over 90 women from a migrant background.
The WoHealth project investigated what kind of support and information immigrant mothers need to care for and raise their children in a new culture. The project also identified the development needs that childcare workers experience when working with this client group. In response to these support needs, peer support was provided, women were trained as peer counsellors and plain language materials were produced on topics identified as important.
The project ended in March 2021, with over 90 women from a migrant background participating in our group activities. Peer support will continue to be offered in the Rainbow Home educational homes in Turku and Kaarina.
Contact information:
- Sateenkaarikoto Ry educational homes: halinen@sateenkaarikoto.fi or hovirinta@sateenkaarikoto.fi
- Flyktingmedicinskt centrum: Emira.Bajric@regionostergotland.se
The materials produced by the project will be published during November 2024
Due to our website update, not all materials have been transferred to the new website yet. We apologize for the delay. The materials will be available for download during November 2024.

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Flyktingmedicinskt centrum, Sweden
Kaarinan kaupungin neuvola
Sateenkaarikoto ry
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