Trauma-informed Approach

Project duration
Source of funding
European Social Fund Plus
Total funding
683 108 €
The aim of the project is to develop a training model for building and creating trauma-informed work communities. The training package and methods, that will be created in the project, will increase the readiness of social and health care service organisations to transform towards a trauma-informed operational culture and work community.
In a trauma-informed approach the safety of encounters is important. Feeling of security is always a bodily experience and connected to our nervous system and all our previous experiences. A trauma-informed approach aims for psychologically and bodily safe interaction not only in work communities but also on a societal level.
The training produced in the Trauma-informed Approach- project will be planned and implemented in a multidisciplinary manner in cooperation with various social and health care experts. Also the professionals participating in the training will have different educational backgrounds and they come from different work environments.Multidisciplinary group supports the construction of a holistic view of human beings during the training. The training also aims to enable a new kind of multiprofessional cooperation between social and health care professionals.

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