The emotional impact of media in public spaces

Project duration
Source of funding
Business Finland
Total funding
671 969 €
The joint project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku, as well as corporate partners, studies the emotional impact of media in public spaces. The results benefit several industries, from elevator manufacturers to architects and from smart lighting manufacturers to media content producers.
How to get people to act calmly in the crowded vaccination lounge and move in the desired direction? Or how to create an experiential, multi-sensory experience space from the hotel elevator?
The research project, coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences, seeks to gain a greater understanding of how audiovisual material presented in public spaces can influence people’s alertness and emotional state and thus their behaviour.
What do we do?
The project explores the emotional effects of multi-media, their replicability and exploitation in public spaces, such as airports, public transport, elevators and their environments.
Based on the results of previous research, the project produces media content and other stimuli suitable for public spaces. The effect of these stimuli is measured in test subjects. The effects of stimuli will allow conclusions to be drawn on how to promote the desired emotional effects.
The project will implement three rounds of applied research, during which media content will be produced for piloting and the effects of media content on the feelings, reception and behaviour of the subjects will be studied.
The project also explores a business model for producing and selling media content and integrating it into public spaces.
Read the press release on the project (in Finnish)
Utilization of results
Industries that benefit from the results include manufacturers of lifts and escalators, cruise lines, sound and smart lighting developers, media content producers, airport and metro operators, architects and construction operators, and the value chains formed by these.

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