We develop more sustainable media education
A long-haired person is writing on a chalkboard full of scribbles with his back to the viewer.

The SUMED project involves five European universities and companies developing media-related higher education in line with the principles of sustainable development. The SUMED partners work in the media sector: journalism, advertising, communication and film. Sustainability is taken into account in the production of moving images, sound, text and their combinations. Together, the partners create a broad knowledge base on sustainability as part of media practices. SUMED defines sustainability as the ability to respond to and influence change, low carbon and well-being at work.

We will develop curricula, learning environments and courses for the media sector in each institution, in cooperation between partners. Sustainability will be integrated into the objectives and delivery of the courses. At Turku University of Applied Sciences, development work will focus on advertising design and journalism courses, with the aim of renewing the Guru-Meedio learning environment and creating a new Podhouse learning environment for podcast production.

During SUMED, pilot courses, work placements and MOOCs will be implemented, taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Contact us

  • Milla Järvipetäjä

    Senior Lecturer, Research Group Leader
    +358 50 598 5239


  • Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • Innocamp, Poland
  • Uniwersytet Gdanski, Poland
  • Universita ta Malta, Malta
  • Universitat politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Meet the research team