Strengthening digital competency and well-being at work in home care organizations

We produce digital map for measuring well-being at work in home care organizations

The main target of the project (DIGITEKO) is to produce digital map for measuring well-being at work in home care organizations.

The project aims to increase digital competence, productivity and well-being and strengthen home care as an attractive workplace for professionals. In addition, the goal is to promote engagement of home care personnel and and stability of home care working environments.

The developed digital well-being map will support home care organizations in green and sustainable transition and development and deployment of renewing service models and working processes.

European Union, European Social Fund
Leverage from EU 2014-2020

Contact Us

  • Sini Eloranta

    Principal Lecturer
    +358 40 355 0514


Häme UAS
Laurea UAS
Oulu UAS

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