Senior Social Entrepreneurship
Project duration
Source of funding
Total funding
161 870 €
The overall objective of Senior Social Entrepreneurship project is to raise awareness of the benefits of social entrepreneurship for older people. The promotion of entrepreneurship among older age segments is a prospective option to prolong the working lives of older people, reduce older-age unemployment and enhance the social inclusion of older individuals.
The specific aim of the Senior Social Entrepreneuship is to develop an interactive e-training course for senior entrepreneurs to fill knowledge gaps on entrepreneurship skills. E-training course focuses especially on starting a social enterprise. There is not any specific age criteria. End users are people who have developed an interest to share their knowledge and use business to do some social good. Other specific aim is to delevop a digital platform for the e-training course.
The coordinator of the project is the University of Malaga. There are partners from seven different countries participating in this project. E-training course will be translated to all the partners languages.

Contact Us
- University of Málaga, Spain
- WIN – Science Initiative Lower Austia Association for Iterdisciplinary Research, Consulting and Education, Austria
- QUALED, Slovakia
- Greek Universities Network (GUnet), Greece
- Universidade Sénior de Évora, Portugal
- INTEGRA Institute, Slovenia
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