SCALE-UP – Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven SoLutions for ConnEcted Urban Poles

We are developing data-driven and user-centric strategies to accelerate mobility
River Aura area

SCALE-UP is a Horizon 2020 funded project focusing on 3 European urban nodes (Madrid, Antwerp, Turku) and exploring options to render them better connected and climate resilient while further developing complex multi-modal transport systems.

SCALE-UP stands for “Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles”. The main outcomes of this research & innovation project are at least 28 newly developed innovative mobility measures to ensure the vertical (governmental) and horizontal (dimensional) upscaling of urban mobility.

The SCALE-UP consortium consists of a wide range of different partners ranging from city and regional councils via universities to commercial partners and non-for-profit organisations from 5 different European countries: Finland (4 partners), the Netherlands (1 partner), Germany (1 partner), Belgium (10 partners) and Spain (7 partners). In Turku, partners include the City of Turku, the Regional Council of Southwest Finland, Turku University of Applied Sciences and Vinka Oy. TUAS is responsible for the evaluation of the 10 sustainable mobility measures implemented within the city and the region.

Turku is working on the following measures during the project:

1. Development of sustainable travel chains in the Turku and Southwest Finland regions
2. Implementation of mobility nodes in the Turku region
3. Mobility as a service (MaaS) ticket combos and flexible parking
4. Creating a mobility portal connecting passenger traffic and logistics
5. Regional real-time mobility view
6. Accelerating inclusive cycling in Turku
7. Promoting carbon-neutral urban logistics and construction sites
8. Encouraging mobility services in Turku
9. Mobility control during events and exceptional situations
10. Winter season mobility

Horizon 2020 -rahoittajalogo

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Turun kaupunki
City of Madrid
Varsinais-Suomen Liitto
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid/Technical University of Madrid
Stad Antwerpen
Port of Antwerp
Vlaamse Gewest
Provincie Antwerpen
Traject nv
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S. A.
Consorcio Regional de Transportes Publicos Regulares de Madrid
Avanza Bike Sl
Ayesa Advanced Technologies SA
Hacon Ingenieurgesellschaft Mbh
Vinka Oy
Etra Investigacion Y Desarrollo Sa
Transport & Mobility Leuven
Smart Transportation Alliance –
Ecorys Nederland

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