Remote home care from the perspectives of employees’ management and well-being at work

Project duration
Source of funding
The Finnish Work Environment Fund
Total funding
142 982 €
The increasing number of customers and the simultaneous difficulty in the availability of labour are among the challenges facing home care services. Challenges cannot be met with current policies, and the potential of digitalization must be utilized when reforming home care.
In home care, telemedicine in particular is on the rise. It takes place without a physical meeting with an internet connection and a webcam. Previous studies have found that employees have a positive attitude towards remote home care. On the other hand, they have been skeptical about whether the work, which includes human interaction and assessment of human health, can be carried out remotely. Home care workers have also longed for a more in-depth reflection on who is suitable for remote home care and for whom it is not.
This nationwide research project evaluates the effects of remote home care on staff well-being and the management of remote home care in the use of new technology in a digital operating environment. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased the use of remote home care and requires new skills from home care workers.
The data are collected through group interviews and a nationwide survey of home care in Turku, Uusikaupunki, Espoo, Seinäjoki and Central Satakunta. The result is a code of conduct that supports the implementation and management of successful remote home care from the perspective of employees.

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Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
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