OIVA – Identifying and applying professional skills in new professional contexts

Identifying and applying professional skills

The Oiva project develops the skills in Universities of Applied Sciences to promote students’ employment and meaningful work careers.

Traditionally the Universities of Applied Scinces have offered vocational qualifications for a certain profession in working life. In all areas post-graduate jobs are not self-evident or the profession is transforming or even disappearing. The Oiva project helps students identify their own skills and break into something unexpected outside the traditions of their profession.

In the process the project examines how so called leaping skills are formed. Leaping skills mean abilities and courage to defect from ones own traditional professional area and apply professional skills in new contexts.

European Union, European Social Fund
Leverage from EU 2014-2020

Contact Us

  • Kaisa Adair

    Senior Advisor, Project Manager
    +358 40 355 0297


Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Häme University of Applied Sciences
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

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