New Life for Metal Products

We support companies in implementing the circular economy
Ruosteinen kierrätysmetallikasa

The overall goal of the project is to get Finnish and especially Southwest Finland’s industry to use direct stratification technology for parts repair, refurbishment and remanufacturing. We support companies to incorporate the circular economy into their business model.

In particular, we are looking for products that require renewal due to the wear of materials. We strive to find substitute and more durable materials. We also consider things to consider when designing new products so that the product can be repaired.

Investing in the sustainability of products reduces material waste, emissions and transport needs, and improves the competitiveness of companies. More efficient use of resources and materials will increase their openness and raw materials will be better preserved in circulation.

Co-funded by the European Union
Varsinais-Suomen liitto

Contact Us

  • Miikka Karhu

    Senior Advisor
    +358 50 301 2637


University of Turku

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