Mentoring Buddy – Mentoring programme supporting transition to higher education

Project duration
Source of funding
Finnish National Agency for Education (SECLE)
Total funding
64 000 €
The goal of the Mentoring Buddy project is to support people with immigrant backgrounds who are interested in completing higher education studies and who are in atypical employment relationships that do not match with their skills by arranging mentoring for them.
Mentoring lowers the threshold for applying to higher education studies and provides information on how to identify skills already acquired. In addition, personal support and guidance in applying for education are offered for the mentees.
The mentors are higher education students. The aim is to organise student mentors for immigrants from the fields of study that interest them, which will support them in the transition to a study path together with other services.
In addition, other events are organised for mentees and mentors so that they can network and get to know other higher education students, working life representatives and immigrant organisations. With the help of the events, the mentees gain knowledge and know-how about Finnish working life and higher education.

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