KOMOTYÖ – Towards Multicultural Work Community

Project duration
Source of funding
European Social Fund
Total funding
112 015 €
The main target of the project is to foster employers’ abilities to employ new employees with multicultural background and to adapt to the changing demands of working life. Project will provide the participating enterprises with new tools to develop multicultural aspects to working communities’ processes and practices, to support the immigrants’ possibilities to become employed to Finnish companies and to develop the introduction practices in the companies.
The project activities will include organising a tripartite training package with supporting workshops for the participating companies. Companies will also receive support for individual training for their new employees to foster the employees’ abilities to work orientation. During the project, culture sensitive training material for work orientation practices is composed and digitally provided free to use for everyone.
Resulting from the project, the orientation and introduction practices in the participating companies are developed to support multicultural employees’ abilities to adapt to the working community practices. Also, the working communities become more aware of multicultural aspects and are able to create genuinely multicultural work environments. Resulting from the project, the companies will strengthen their abilities to employ multicultural employees to future multicultural working environments.
The project is funded by the EU-REACT program and the fund is distributed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). EU-REACT provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences.

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