KOKOMA – Developing Highly Educated Immigrants’ Entrepreneurial Skills

KOKOMA – Developing Highly Educated Immigrants' Entrepreneurial Skills

The project will develop a study programme of mainly online content through which highly educated immigrants strengthen their entrepreneurial skills. The study programme consists of modules for the development of entrepreneurial skills, a training camp, S2 teaching and a personal guidance process. In the modules and in the training camp, the participants carry out assignments that develop their entrepreneurial skills in companies and in real working life situations. S2 teaching links to the content that is being taught. Personal guidance ensures that reflection and the assignments are linked to strengthening each participant’s vocational skills.

The study programme will be piloted in the Lahti and Turku regions and in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

European Union, European Social Fund
Leverage from EU 2014-2020

Contact Us

  • Marjatta Rännäli

    Senior Lecturer, Research Group Leader
    +358 50 598 5331


Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology

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