HEALTH-X – Health and social service providers as health tech accelerators

Project duration
Source of funding
European Regional Development Fund
Total funding
334 128 €
The main goal of the project is to accelerate the product development and increase the competitiveness of Finnish health, well-being and care technology companies in the national and international markets.
The project will develop a novel testbed operating model, which will be piloted at the Campuskoti Merihelmi in Salo. The project will create a completely new testbed operating model that will enable the development, testing, and acquisition of clinical evidence of new products and services in the field of health, well-being, and care technology in an authentic social service unit.
For the first time, testbed operating model created in the project will be part of the core activities of the care service unit. The aim is also to learn how such activities can be integrated into the day-to-day running of the unit without compromising its core activities of care and quality of life for older people.
The project will be implemented as a group project and will involve Turku University of Applied Sciences, The Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland (VARHA), and Yrityssalo Oy.

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