Car dismantling
Project duration
Source of funding
The Regional Council of Southwest Finland, AKKE – Development of regional ecosystems in the Turku region
Total funding
115180 €
Through the two selected materials, glass and plastic, the aim of the project is to investigate the dismantling phase of the car and the current state of utilisation of recycled material, focusing on the following issues, among others: the breakdown of the origin of materials during the demolition phase, the quantity and quality of materials, where recycled material is generated, the role of material transport, how the material is recycled, and the reuse of recycled material in the new product and the recyclability of this new product. One aspect of the study at all stages of the chain is profitability – is the business profitable at the moment and, if not, what should happen for it to be profitable in the future.
The project is carried out in cooperation between Turku University of Applied Sciences and companies and organisations operating at the end of the car’s life cycle, incl. The Finnish Car Demolition Association and Finnish Car Recycling. The participating companies and organisations provide information on the current situation, including concrete challenges related to material recycling. The results of the project will be shared with the entire industry.
The project is implemented by the Circular Economy Business Models, Manufacturing Technology and New Materials research groups.
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