APN-EDU – Development of Advanced Practice Education Competences in Nordic and Baltic Region

We develop advanced practice nursing education
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The Advanced Nursing Practice Education network’s subject area is the master level clinical nursing education in thr Nordic and Baltic countries.

Objectives are to

  1. develop and implement further education module, intensive course, for educators involved with the NP programs in the Nordic / Baltic region,
  2. establish a digital toolkit (“APN-Educators toolkit”),
  3. support identification, sharing and development of good practices, and
  4. in the future create an event with a virtual, innovative roundtable for stakeholders and to support and enhance the development of NP roles in health care.

Read more: https://nordicapnedu.turkuamk.fi/The link takes you to an external site

APN-Edu -projektin kumppaneiden logot

Contact Us

  • Virpi Sulosaari

    Principal Lecturer, Research Group Leader
    +358 44 907 4569


  • Aarhus University
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences
  • Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
  • Tartu Health Care College
  • University of Iceland
  • University of Oslo
  • Uppsala University
  • Åland University of Applied Sciences

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