Ålönlahti pilot

We develope a water protection action plan to improve the Archipelago Sea's water quality

In Ålönlahti Pilot project the action plan for Ålönlahti bay and its catchment area is developed to promote the better status of water and natural values both in the bay and its catchment area. The goal is to create a pilot area of water protection at Ålönlahti that will encourage other actors to take water protection actions at the Archipelago Sea and its catchment area. The project supports the aims of the Archipelago Sea program in removing the Archipelago from the list of HELCOM Hot Spots.

The project includes mapping of the possible water protection measures in the catchment area and the bay. The water protection measures are prioritized and cost estimates are calculated. As a practical measure the multifunctional wetland is planned and constructed within the catchment area and sediment analysis are executed from the sediment deposit of the bay. During the project, the old aeration systems are examined, if possible fixed and then tested to survey the effectiveness of the aeration.

In the project the detailed action plan for Ålönlahti is created where the proposals for water protection actions at the bay and the catchment area are prioritized and budgeted. Based on the action plan City of Parainen and Ålönlahti foundation can apply funding for water protection measures. The Multifunctional wetland that is planned and constructed in the project will be one of the examples of water protection measures in Ålönlahti pilot area.

Logo: Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus.

Contact Us

  • Antti Kaseva

    Project Manager
    +358 40 355 0909


City of Parainen
Ålönlahti Fundation
South-West Finland Water Protection Association

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