Allied ICT Finland (AIF)

Allied ICT Finland (AIF)

Digitalization creates vast possibilities for growth, but new ways of agility, investments and partnership models are needed in order to succeed. Finland must be in the vanguard of new technologies and business opportunities. Allied ICT Finland offers a new model of action and investment, which aims to create a billion euro R&D leap. By combining multifaceted research, resources and R&D environments to a platform economy model, AIF creates a rapid R2B model.

The priority meaning of the AIF collaboration is to significantly improve the competitiveness of Finnish companies. AIF increases Finnish competitive edge by combining business development, shared R&D environments, financing services, research and ecosystems.

In the Turku region, AIF will be a part of Technology Campus Turku, a collaboration between the city of Turku, the four higher education facilities and Turku Science Park Ltd in order to strengthen the technology center of expertise.

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Contact Us

  • Jarkko Paavola

    Head of Education and Research
    +358 40 355 0335


Oulun yliopisto, Tampereen yliopisto, Kaakkois-Suomen AMK Oy XAMK, Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen ylioppisto LUT, Kajaanin AMK, Centria-AMK Oy

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