A Digital Program for Sexual Education in Secondary Schools (EDDIS)

We develop eLearning platform for sexual education

The basic idea of A Digital Program for Sexual Education in Secondary Schools (EDDIS) project is to develop eLearning platform about sexual education for secondary schools. The platform will be developed in cooperation with pupils, teachers and sexual education experts from four (4) European countries: Finland, Greece, Lithuania and Portugal. The project consortium combining various cultural and religious backgrounds. The key objective is to increase basic knowledge about the sexual health and sexuality among the youth between 13-16 years of age.

Three main objectives of the EDDIS project:

1. To identify the information needs of young people about sexual education and meaningful ways to learn about sexuality

2. To involve young people in the production of sexual health education material

3. To develop a unified eLearning sexual education platform for European secondary school pupils.

As a result of the EDDIS project pupils will get an interesting and meaningful way to learn about sexual health issues. In the long run they will also achieve better sexual health. The teachers and nurses benefit from new learning methods and tools.

Logo: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ -programme of the European Union

Contact Us

  • Kaisa Adair

    Senior Advisor, Project Manager
    +358 40 355 0297


Turku University of Applied Sciences (Coordinator)
Vasaramäen koulu, Finland
Technologiko Ekpaideftiko Idryma Athinas, Greece
9th high school kallitheas “Manos Xatzidakis”, Greece
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal
Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo António, Portugal
BI Klaipedos miesto visuomenes sveikatos biuras, Lithuania
Klaipedos Versmes progimnazija, Lithuania

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