Guidance and studies for immigrants

Preparatory programmes for higher education studies

The preparatory programmes are aimed at immigrants, whose goal is to study at a higher education institution in Finland. The applicant shall be eligible to apply and possess at least skill level B1 in the Finnish language. 

Higher education studies in Engineering and Business

30 credits | 6 months | in Finnish

Studies targeted for students with a foreign background

Networks for a career in Finland – studies for highly educated immigrants

35 credits | 6–11 months | in Finnish and/or English

SAILA – Sairaanhoitajan laillistamisväylä Suomessa

30–60 credits | 6–12 months | in Finnish

Finnish as a second language

At Turku UAS, you can study Finnish as a second language at different language skill levels (A1–B2). Read more about the language skill levels in Finnish or English . 

Finnish as a Second Language, or S2 studies, are offered to all students of Turku UAS regardless of the field of study and whether you are completing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, path studies or another study module of Open Studies.  

More information about Finnish language studies: 

MOI guidance and counselling services 

MOI service helps when planning and applying for studies. The service offers support also during the studies. If you are interested in higher education studies, MOI service advises e.g. on study options and applying for studies. We will be glad to help.