Application instructions: Path studies

Path studies are an alternative route to a degree. Path studies consist of the first-year studies in a degree programme, which you complete alongside degree students. Based on the credits you attain and your success in path studies, you can apply for a degree study right via Open UAS separate application and continue your studies seamlessly until graduation. On this page you will find the application instructions for path studies.

How to apply to path studies


Find a study option that suits you and apply to path studies 22.7.–5.8.2025.

The application period ends at 3 pm Finnish time on the last application day. Submit an application on during the application period. You will find a direct link to on the page of the program you are applying to.


Who can apply?

Bachelor’s level path studies are open to everyone. No former education is required. However, it is good to note that you need the study skills required for higher education studies, and sufficient language skills.

In addition, there may be a recommendation of previously aquired skiIls listed in These are not requirements, but may help you when you consider which path studies programme to apply to.

Please note that if you apply for path studies in Finnish, proof of sufficient Finnish skills (level B1 or above) is required. More info on Finnish language requirements is available on the Finnish application instructions: Kielitaito.

When applying to Master School path studies, an applicable higher education degree (e.g. Bachelor’s degree) is required. The degree must be completed when you submit your application. The degrees applicable for each programme are mentioned on

Please note that when you apply for a Master’s degree study right after completing your path studies, a minimum of 2 years (24 months) of work experience in a relevant field acquired after graduating from your previous degree will be required.

If you are a non EU/EEA citizen, please note that you very likely will not be granted a residence permit in Finland based on path studies. Read more: Instructions for applicants living abroad.


How are path students selected?

Path students are selected based on applications submitted during application periods on Studyinfo. There are two selection methods in use for path studies in English-language programmes:

  • Random selection: if the programme in question uses random selection, path students are selected randomly from eligible applicants after the application period has ended.
  • Motivation form: if the program in question uses a motivation form, path students are selected based on answers to the motivation question. You will find the evaluation criteria of the motivation form on in the program information. The motivation form questions are available on the application form during the application period.    

You can find more detailed information on Studyinfo.   

Path students are not selected in order of applying. There are no entrance exams to path studies.     


When will I be notified of the results?

Results of the path student selection will be sent to the email address you provided on the application form. If you don’t get the message, please be sure to check your spam folder.

If you have access to the My Studyinfo service (Finnish social security number and online banking codes with e-identification enabled, mobile certificate or an electronic ID-card needed), you can also access your results there.

´The results will be published by the following dates:

  • Bachelor’s level path studies where students are selected by random selection: 11 August 2025
  • Bachelor’s level path studies where students are selected based on a motivation form: 13 August 2025
  • Master’s level path studies: 15 August 2025

If you are placed on a waiting list, you may be offered a path study place until 30 August 2025. Please note that selections may be made after the studies have already begun.


Accept the offer of admission

Remember to accept the offer of admission within 5 days, or you will lose the offered path study place. Follow these steps to confirm your study place.

Please note that accepting a path study place is binding. Cancelling a path study place after accepting it on My Studyinfo is subject to a cancellation fee. See Open UAS cancellation policy.

A path study place can only be accepted bindingly. If you accept a path study place, all other waiting list spots will be cancelled.


Start your studies

Welcome to study at Turku UAS! Read the guidelines for new path students before starting your studies.

New path student, follow these steps to accept your study place on

Did you get a study place? Congratulations! You can accept the offer of admission using the My Studyinfo service. Please see the email you received for a direct link.

If you do not have Finnish online banking credentials and cannot access My Studyinfo, please accept the offered place by sending an e-mail to by the given deadline.

  • If you are offered a path study place, you will have five days to either cancel or accept the offered study place.
  • Accepting a path study place on is always binding. You cannot accept a path study place conditionally and wait for a study place in another program.
  • Please note that if you cancel your participation in path studies after accepting a path study place on or by email, you will be charged a cancellation fee. For our more detailed cancellation policy, please see here: Open UAS cancellation policy.

FAQ for path studies applicants

Path studies as an employment services client

If you are a customer of employment services in your employment area, please discuss your situation and path studies with your contact person before applying. Read more.

If you are unemployed and wish to complete path studies while registered as a job seeker, you may need to complete less than 5 ECTS credits per month. If this is the case, the scope of your path studies can be set as 35 ECTS credits. You can request the change if you are accepted as a path student when you ask for a form confirming the scope and duration of your studies from Open UAS ( Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that your studies do not exceed the credit limit set by employment services.

Benefits and services for path students

Path students are Open UAS students and as such are not entitled to most benefits available for degree students. This includes student financial aid offered by Kela. There are, however, some benefits and discounts available to path students at Turku UAS. Read more about benefits and services for path students

Information for applicants living abroad
Attendance in path studies

Path studies consist of varying amount of contact teaching that requires attendance on campus in Finland, unless the degree program in question is conducted completely online. Participation in contact teaching is mandatory, and cannot be done via e.g. Teams. Please check the information of the path studies program you intend to apply to and make sure you can participate in teaching as required.

Residence permits in Finland

If you are a non EU/EEA citizen, please be aware that the Finnish Immigration Service are not likely to grant a residence permit or student visa based on Open UAS path studies as the studies do not lead to a degree. Please visit the website of the Finnish Immigration Service for further information:  Residence permit application for studies. Open UAS cannot contact the Immigration Service on your behalf.

A path study right cannot be postponed or transferred due to issues related to residence permits or moving to Finland.

Open UAS study fee, tuition fees and application fees

The path studies study fee is compulsory for all path students despite nationality or residence permit type.

Please note that application fees and tuition fees for degree students may apply if you apply and are accepted to degree studies after completing your path studies.