Complete your degree studies

You can apply for the reinstatement of the right to study at Turku UAS so that you can complete your studies for an incomplete degree. On this page you will find instructions for applying for a renewed right to study.

You can apply for reinstatement of the right to study without participating in student admissions (Act 325/2015, Section 32) in certain cases. This applies if you have lost your right to study due to failing to enroll for an academic year, your study time has ended or you have resigned from Turku UAS. Also, students who have had a right to study at another Finnish University of Applied Sciences can in some cases apply to a Turku UAS. The right to study can only be reinstated to the same degree programme you have studied in or an equivalent one. 

When the applicant for the right to study to be granted anew is not a citizen of an EU/EEA country, the Study Guidance Counsellor preparing the decision investigates the student’s obligation to pay the tuition fee with the Student Office prior to the decision-making.

Steps before applying


First, find out how many credits you are missing from
your degree and if you have right to study left

  • You can check your completed studies in the My Studyinfo service or by contacting the Student Office of UAS where you have completed your studies.
  • The remaining time of your study right will only affect your admission if you are a former student of Turku UAS. If you are not sure if your right to study is ongoing, you can contact Turku UAS’ Student Office.


Choose the right application method

  • The application method varies depending on when your lost study right was granted and how many credits are missing from your degree.
  • Choose which case applies to you below and learn how to apply.

I am a former student of Turku UAS

A) Reinstatement of the right to study:

I forgot to enroll or I have resigned from Turku UAS. I have right to study left at Turku UAS and the right to study for a degree at Turku UAS was granted on 1 August 2015 or after

If you forgot to enroll for the academic year or if you have resigned from Turku UAS and you still have right of study left, you can apply for reinstatement of your study right. This requires that your study right to study at Turku UAS has been granted on or after 1 August 2015.

To apply for reinstatement of your study right, do the following:

1. Fill the electronic application for reinstatement of study right if you still have right to study left.

  • The fee for processing the application 50 EUR (decree 1440/2014) is paid as netbank payment while filling the application. Make sure you fill in the correct form, as the processing fee is not refunded. If necessary, you can ask for advice from the Student Office.
  • If you cannot use online payment, please ask for a paper form and payment instructions.

2. You will be notified: the Student Office will process your application and send you the decision by email or by post if you have requested it on the form.

B) Reinstatement of the right to study:

I don’t have right to study left and I am missing a maximum of 35 ECTS credits from the degree. The right to study for a degree at Turku UAS was granted on 1 August 2015 or after

If your right to study at Turku UAS has ended and you did not complete your studies during the study right and the possible additional time, you can apply for reinstatement of your study right. This requires that you have started your studies on or after 1 August 2015 and you have a maximum of 35 credits of missing studies.

To apply for reinstatement of your study right, do the following:

1. First: please, contact a Study Guidance Counsellor in your field to confirm that you can apply for reinstatement of the right to study. Prepare with them an individual study plan (ISP) for completing the missing studies. The study plan is to be attached to the application similarly to your transcript of records.

2. Fill in the electronic application for reinstatement of the right to study if your right to study has ended.

  • The fee for processing the application 50 EUR (decree 1440/2014) is paid as online payment while filling the application. Make sure you fill in the correct form, as the processing fee is not refunded. If necessary, you can ask for advice from the Student Office.
  • If you cannot use online payment, please ask for a paper form and payment instructions.
  • You can apply for a reinstatement of the study right a maximum of 2 times. If you cannot complete your studies with the reinstated study right, but there is sufficient evidence of the progress of your studies, you can apply for a study right at Turku University of Applied Sciences in a separate application according to point C).

3. You will be notified: your Study Guidance Counsellor will process your application and the Student Office will send the decision to the email address you gave on the form or by post if you have requested it on the application form.

C) Separate application to complete the studies:

1. I have lost my right to study due to failure to register for the academic year or the expiration of the right to study, or I have given up my right to study, my degree is missing a maximum of 35 ECTS credits, and my right to study for a degree at Turku University of Applied Sciences was granted before 1 August 2015 OR

2. I am a former student of Turku UAS who has not completed the degree with a regranted study right, and who has sufficient evidence of the progress of the studies with the regranted right to study, and my degree is missing a maximum of 35 ECTS credits OR

3. I am a former student of another UAS and my degree is missing a maximum of 35 ECTS credits

You can apply through the separate application. The application is ongoing, excluding the time around Christmas and New Year.

The right to study can be applied only to the same or equivalent degree programme in which the right to study has previously been. You can also apply for the corresponding programme in another language, but in that case, you must demonstrate your proficiency in the language of instruction.

Those who have had the right to study in public health nursing, midwifery, or paramedic programnes are also eligible to apply for nursing studies.

Do the following to apply:

1. Contact the Study Guidance Counsellor in your field to confirm that you can apply for a reinstatement of the right to study. Prepare with them an individual study plan (ISP) for completing the missing studies. The study plan is to be attached to the application as well as your transcript of records. If you are applying for a programme in another language, please attach a certificate of language proficiency to your application.

2. Fill in the application form for the right to study to complete the studies.

3. You will be notified of the selection result within 30 days of submitting the application to the email address you provided on the application form. NB. In the summertime there might be delays. 

4. If you are granted the right to study, you will also be informed of the total time of your new study right. A student who is accepted in this application cannot enroll as absent but is present throughout the entire period of the right to study.

The student has the right to request rectification of the decision from the Board of Student Affairs within 14 days of receiving notification of the decision. More information from Admissions Services.

D) A separate right to study:

I don’t have right to study left and I am missing more than 35 ECTS credits from my degree

If you are missing more than 35 ECTS credits from your degree and you have no study rights left, you can apply for a separate study right. Once you have studied with a separate study right and no more than 35 ECTS credits are missing from your degree, you can apply for a reinstatement of the right to study (the right to study for a degree at Turku UAS was granted after 1 August 2015) or fill out the separate application to complete your studies (the right to study for a degree at Turku UAS was granted before 1 August 2015).

Please note

The separate right to study is limited in terms of time and extent and it cannot be used to complete a degree. Granting the separate right to study is at the UAS’ discretion and requires the degree programme’s ability to accept a student.

A student who has been granted a separate right to study cannot enrol as absent and is present throughout the entire period of the right to study.

Studying with the separate right to study is chargeable. The fee is 15 euros per credit, the same as for those studying with Open UAS right to study.

Follow these steps

1. First: please, contact a Study Guidance Counsellor in your field and prepare with them an individual study plan (ISP) for completing the missing studies. The study plan is to be attached to the application for a separate right to study. Also, invoicing is done according this individual study plan.

  • The separate right to study is granted for the study courses in the ISP. It is not possible to apply for recognition of studies and competence for the separate right to study. In case some courses are not completed during the granted right to study, the student needs to apply for a new separate right to study.

2. Apply for a separate right to study by filling the application form

3. You will be notified: the Head of Education and Research will decide if the separate right to study is granted. The Student Office will notify you and send you payment instructions if the separate right to study is granted. The Student Office will then register the separate right to study and notify you by email.

I am a former student of another university of applied sciences

A) I am missing a maximum of 35 ECTS credits from the degree, and I have lost my right to study for a degree at another Finnish UAS

If you are a former student of another Finnish university of applied sciences, you can apply for the right to study at Turku University of Applied Sciences in the separate application process according to the instructions above, regardless of when your right to study was granted and whether you have any study right time left. See the application instructions on the section C above.

B) I am missing more than 35 ECTS credits from the degree, and I have lost my right to study for a degree at another Finnish UAS

You can apply for a separate right to study and complete studies until the maximum number of missing studies is 35 ECTS credits. When the number of credits missing is less than 35 ECTS, you can apply in the separate application. See the application instructions on the section C above.