For students

Sign in to student’s digital services


Sign in to itsLearning


Log in to Peppi

Email and Microsoft365

Sign in to M365 services

Messi intranet

Sign in to Messi

Finna – library services

Sign in to Turku UAS Finna

Sun Harkka

Sun Harkka

Having problems signing in? Contact the IT Services.

Couldn’t find what you were looking for? See all student information systems at the Messi intranet.

Find the right location on campus or online


You can find your own or your group’s timetable in the Lukkarikone.

Lukkarikone (timetables)


See campus opening hours and locations.


Rooms on campus

You can easily find the classrooms on the campus maps in the Tuudo app.

Download Tuudo on your phone.


You will get the link to the online meeting or class from the organiser.

See the Teams and Zoom instructions on Messi intranet.

Guidance for new, current and former students

New students

Are you just starting your studies? In the New student’s guide you can find answers to questions such as

  • when do the studies start?
  • what do I need to do before starting my studies?
  • where can I get a certificate of study place?
  • how can I get a confirmation from the educational institution on a form from the TE Office or other authority?
  • how can I use the student discounts?

If you have been absent for the first academic year, the Student Office will automatically send you an enquiry about the start of your studies by 30 April / 30 November to the personal email address you have provided in the Studyinfo. You do not need to enrol for the academic year in Peppi.

  • Answer to email and indicate your attendance or absence for the coming semester.
  • The Student Office will inform you of the new starting group.
  • Check the start date for your group and follow other instructions in the new student’s guide.

If necessary, you can also contact the Student Office earlier.

Current students

Enrolment for the academic year

As a degree student, you are obliged to enrol for every academic year. Enrol for the academic year either as present or absent via Peppi between 1 April and 10 August.

Sign in to Peppi

  • You’ll enrol as present or absent for the whole academic year. If necessary, you can change your enrolment for the spring semester between 1 December and 31 December. Please note that you must also register as present during periods of exchange studies, practical training and thesis work.
  • If you fail to enrol, you will lose your right to study. If you lose your right to study, you will lose access to the information systems of Turku UAS and you will not be able to participate in studies. Information about the loss of study rights will also be sent to the authorities, for example to Kela.
  • If you are unable to enrol in Peppi, please enrol by 10 August (or 31 December for the spring semester) by sending an e-mail to the Student Office:
    If you have a statutory reason for being absent from studies, you will get instructions on how to submit a certificate of absence. For security reasons, do not send documents by e-mail.

Need extension time for your studies? Read the instructions at the Messi intranet

Did you forget to enrol? Read the instructions on how to reinstate your study right.

Resignation from Turku UAS

If you wish to discontinue your studies at Turku UAS, you must fill in a resignation form:

Resignation form

Once the resignation announcement has been processed, the student office sends the student a study certificate and a transcript of records in Finnish and English to the personal email address listed for the student in Peppi register.

If you are a student at the open UAS, read the detailed instructions for discontnuing open studies.

Please note that a degree student is obliged to pay the health care fee to Kela if they have been present for even one day of the semester. If you withdraw in the middle of a semester, you are entitled to use the FSHS services until the end of the semester.

Quick tips for the current student

How can I get a student card?

There are different types of student cards:

Student cards are available to both degree students and open UAS path students, but the benefits available vary. See the benefits for Open UAS path students.

If you need a paper Kela meal subsidy card or an Open University of Applied Sciences meal discount card, you can apply for it at the service desk of the Student Office upon presentation of your ID.

How can I get the Tuudo student card?

You can get the card when you have a valid study right, have installed the Tuudo app and logged in with your Turku UAS user ID.

Using your student card in Tuudo is easy:

  • Download Tuudo app to your phone and sign in with your Turku UAS User ID.
  • Open the Student Card in the app. The student card is located in the top right-hand corner of the left-side menu in the app. At the top of the menu is the Card Wallet icon, which you can click to access the card view.
  • Create a card for yourself by following the instructions in the app.
  • You must upload your own photo to the app before you can use your student card. The image must be clear and the person in it must be identifiable. You should choose your photo carefully, as it cannot be changed before the next semester starts.
How do I change my password?

You can change an expired or forgotten password in the ID service.

The new password can be obtained by authenticating to the service with your Finnihs online banking codes or mobile certificate.

See the IT Services website for more detailed instructions.

What is the HAKA username or login?

HAKA is a joint user authentication system for universities and research institutes. With HAKA login you can access certain services of Turku UAS, such as Finna, Itslearning, Peppi and FileSender. In addition, Haka login enables cross-institutional studies in several universities and higher education institutions.

Your HAKA user ID is the same as your Turku UAS user ID. When logging in to HAKA, you will use the short username (not the email address).

What is MFA?

Multifactor authentication (MFA) refers to the additional authentication by phone when logging in to online services. In addition to the username and password, another authentication method is a code sent to the mobile phone via SMS or a separate authentication application.

Turku UAS online services use multi-factor authentication.

See instructions on how to set up an MFA.

When does the academic year start and end?

The academic year officially starts on 1 August and ends on 31 July each year.

  • The autumn semester is 1.8. – 31.12.
  • The spring semester is 1.1. – 31.7.

Studies start in late August or early September in autumn and early January in spring. Starting and ending dates vary by faculty and degree programme.

If you are a new student, check the start date of your studies in the New Student’s Guide.

If you are a continuing student, you can check the timetable for your group on the Lukkarikone.

  • Preliminary autumn timetables will be published in June
  • Preliminary spring timetables will be published in December

Please note that there may be changes to the timetables after publication.

When is the autumn or winter holiday?

Turku UAS does not have any common dates for autumn, Christmas, winter or summer holidays. Teaching takes place at the times specified in the timetable of your own group.

In practice, there is a break in teaching during the summer and Christmas time. In addition, most faculties have a week without contact studies during the autumn and winter holiday periods in October and in February. There are no scheduled classes during the non-teaching periods, but students may have practical training, project work, independent or group work, or summer studies, for example.

You can see the timetable for your gorup in the Lukkarikone.

See also Messi:

Where can I get a study certificate or transcript of records?
Download electronically signed documents from Peppi

Degree students can download their electronically signed or stamped transcript of records and study certificate from Peppi.

Non-degree students can download an electronically signed or stamped transcript of records from Peppi. See separate instructions for ordering a study certificate for open UAS students.

You can find the documents in Peppi on the right-hand side of the top navigation, under Orders:

  • Press the document you want to order.
  • Select your language and press Order.
  • Go to the Documents tab, where you will see the document you have ordered and can download it for yourself.

Sign in to Peppi

Starting from 19 September 2023 the documents are electronically signed using the EUTL validation. Until 18 September 2023 the documents were verified using validation of the Population Register Centre.

Verifying electronic documents

Share information of completed studies from My Studyinfo

You can also see your completed studies on My Studyinfo. By logging into the My Studyinfo service, you can share a link from the My completed studies section with your completed courses to an education provider, an employer, Kela, TE Services, Migri or other authorities, for example.

Sign in to My Studyinfo

The service requires online banking credentials to use the service.

Where can I see my student number?

You can see your student number in Peppi by selecting your name in the top right-hand corner of the desktop view. When you click on the My Details header under your name, you can access your personal details and find your student number in the Student Details view.

Former students or alumni

Electronic certificate and transcript of records

Turku University of Applied Sciences has issued the degree certificates electronically from 2.5.2022. Paper certificates will no longer be issued.

Certificates for specialixation education and preparatory programmes for immigrants have been issued electronically from June 2023.

The electronic certificate is a PDF file signed by the Turku UAS Rector. Graduates can send the certificate as it is, to the authorities or as an attachment to a job application, for example.

Employers and other recipients of the certificate can check the authenticity of the certificate on the Turku UAS verification page.

Verifying electronic documents

More information on the electronic certificate

Electronic certificates do not affect paper certificates already issued. Old paper certificates will not be converted to electronic format.

The electronic certificate is a PDF file signed by the rector. The electronic signature of the certificate is based on authentication issued by Digital and Population Data Services Agency which is accepted throughout the EU. The certificate conforms to the eIDAS (EU) 910/2014 regulation and fulfills the requirements for an authorised electronic signature.

Why an electronic certificate?

  1. The electronic certificate is an environmental act and for Turku UAS one step towards carbon neutrality, as no paper is needed for certificates or archive copies, and postage is no longer required.
  2. The electronic certificate does not require separate authentication. It can be sent as such to the authorities or attached to a job application, for example. Employers and other recipients of the certificate can check the authenticity of the certificate on the verification page.
  3. From the graduate’s point of view, the electronic certificate improves the management of their own data. The certificate can be stored in the cloud or on a memory stick. If you lose your issued certificate, you can easily get a new download link to your issued certificate from the study office.

Lost your electronic diploma? See instructions

Completed studies in My Studyinfo

After graduation, you can also see your own completed studies on the free My Studyinfo service.

By logging into the My Studyinfo service, you can share a link from the My completed studies section with your completed courses to an education provider, an employer, Kela, TE Services, Migri or other authorities, for example.

Sign in to My Studyinfo

The service requires Finnish online banking codes to use the service.

Copies of paper certificates and other documents

Do you need a copy of your paper certificate or other documents related to your studies?

See price list and instructions

Did you drop out of your studies?

You can apply to Turku UAS to complete your studies.

See the Applicant’s Guide for instructions

Your own tutor teacher: study planning and other practical study-related issues

Study Guidance Counsellor: challenges in progressing or learning

Student Office (degree students): matters relating to study rights and study documents

International services: support incoming and outgoing international students

Open UAS (path student and other Open UAS students): matters related to study rights, study documents and invoicing

IT services: Turku UAS user ID and other IT matters