Cross-institutional studies
Cross-institutional studies allow you to expand your study opportunities by choosing to study at another Finnish university and incorporate the studies into your own degree. Below you will find instructions for students coming to Turku UAS from another higher education institution as a cross-institutional student.
Instructions on cross-institutional studies for Turku UAS students can be found on the Turku UAS intranet Messi.
As a cross-institutional student, you get a temporary right to study at Turku UAS. With the study right, you can only study the cross-institutional studies you have chosen.
Welcome to study at Turku UAS!

Cross-institutional study opportunities
Cross-institutional study networks and individual courses
Turku UAS has agreed with other Finnish higher education institutions on different cross-institutional study networks, in which students can participate. Both universities of applied sciences and universities offer cross-institutional studies. In principle, the networks are field-specific, which means that students from different fields have different course selections within cross-institutional studies.
You can find the studies of the cross-institutional networks in your own study information system Peppi.
CampusOnline network
The CampusOnline network is free of charge for degree and path students from partner universities. Enrolment for courses at Turku UAS is done in the student’s own study management system (Peppi/Pakki).
The separate CampusOnline portal will close on 31.12.2024
Flexible study right between Turku UAS and UTU
Between Turku UAS and the University of Turku, it is possible to study individual courses with flexible study rights. A student of UTU who is in attendance and has a degree right can be admitted to study at the Turku UAS. Flexible study rights are applied by filling the University of Turku’s online application form.
Instructions for students at the University of Turku:
- You can find the study programmes offered by Turku UAS in the study guide. Not all courses are granted flexible study rights, so before filling in the application form, check with the responsible teacher (or the Head of Education and Research) whether the course will accept students with flexible study rights.
- The application for flexible study rights is continuous. Please apply well before of the start of the course to allow time for both institutions to process your application. You should reserve about a month for the application process.
- If the application is approved by the home university (UTU), the application is then submitted to be processed by the Head of Education and Research at Turku UAS. The student will be notified by e-mail about the progress of the application and possible requests for additional information.
- If the Head of Education and Research approves the right to study for the course in question, the right to study and the student’s details are entered in Turku UAS’ student administration system Peppi. The student will be registered by the Student Office to the course for which the study right has been granted. The student will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to create a Turku UAS user account and log in to the learning environment.
For Turku UAS students, instructions on how to apply for a course at the University of Turku can be found on Messi.
Instructions for cross-institutional students coming to Turku UAS
If you are a student at Turku UAS and you are planning to cross-study at another university, check the instructions for Turku UAS on the Messi intranet.
Checklist for a cross-institutional student
Have your studies accepted by your home university in accordance with the guidelines of your home university
Make sure that you have a valid study right in your home university for the entire duration of the course and that you are registered as an attendee.
Enroll for a course at Turku UAS. Read more about enrolment and cancellation options.
Activate your Turku UAS user ID.
Once you have registered for the course and received an email confirmation of acceptance, activate your Turku UAS user ID. Read more about activating your user ID.
After registering your account, activate multi-factor authentication (MFA). Read more about MFA.
As a student of cross-university studies, you have access to the sector-specific software according to the licence agreements of Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Check all the important dates from the course description.
Participate in the course according to the teacher’s instructions.
Learning environment
Turku UAS learning environment is Itslearning. Use Turku UAS user ID to access the learning environment.
Reading timetables
You can find the reading schedules at or via Tuudo.
You can download the Tuudo app to your mobile phone free of charge. Tuudo is available for Android and iOS. Tuudo uses the student’s data in Peppi as a basis.
Once the teacher has assessed the course completion in Turku UAS’ Peppi system, the assessment will automatically transfer to your own university’s Peppi/Pakki system.
More information on enrolment and studies
Enrolment for courses
In order to enroll as a cross-institutional student at Turku UAS, you must have a valid study right in your home university and you must also be registered as an attending student. If your study right at your home university ends before the end of your studies at Turku UAS, your right to study at Turku UAS will also end.
Register for CampusOnline network courses via your home university’s Peppi/Pakki. For courses in other networks, please follow the instructions given by your teacher. Students of the University of Turku enroll for individual courses according to the instructions in the section flexible study rights between Turku UAS and the UTU.
Courses usually have a quota for cross-institutional students. So please register well in advance to ensure that you are able to participate.
Cancellation of registration
If you have to cancel your participation in a course, you can cancel your enrolment yourself at Peppi/Pakki during the enrolment period. After the enrolment deadline, please contact the Student Office.
The learning environment and how to complete your studies
The learning environment used is Itslearning. You log in to the learning environment with your Turku UAS user ID.
See the course description for information on the content and assessment methods. The course description also indicates whether the course is online or requires on-campus attendance. You will follow the instructions given by the teacher and the rules of the Turku UAS. Feedback will be collected at the end of the course.
The teacher assesses the course and enters the grade in the Turku UAS’ study information system Peppi. The grade is automatically transferred to your home university’s Peppi/Pakki.
Rectification request of a course assessment
Students who are dissatisfied with the assessment of their coursework, can lodge a rectification request either orally or in writing from the teacher who carried out the assessment. The rectification request shall be lodged within 14 days of the date on which the information about the grades or the application of the assessment criteria to the student’s study attainment became accessible to the student. (Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014, Section 57.) If you are still dissatisfied with the above-mentioned decision, you may submit a written rectification request to the Board of Examiners within 14 days of receipt of the information on the decision.
The free-form request for rectification to the Board of Examiners is addressed to the Board of Examiners at Turku UAS and it shall be submitted to the registry of Turku UAS: Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku.
You can find Turku UAS Library materials at When you log in with your Turku UAS user ID, you will have access to the licensed e-resources. Printed books can be borrowed after you have registered as a customer of the Turku UAS Library.
Read more on Turku UAS’ Library.