Advisory boards
We impact across the world of work.
Our strategy is designed to improve working life, well-being and competitiveness in Southwest Finland. The University’s Board and the Rector and President guide the development of Turku UAS to achieve this goal.
The Regional Advisory Council is an independent forum of experts that contributes to the development of our regional effectiveness with the support of the Board and the Rector. Field-specific dialogue with the businesses takes place through the faculties own advisory boards.
Our impact is built in networks. The work of the advisory boards strengthens our active interaction with the businesses of the region.

Regional Advisory Board
The main task of the Regional Advisory Board is to assess and develop the effectiveness of our activities in the Southwest Finland region. The independent expert forum supports the work of the Turku UAS in developing regional effectiveness.
The Regional Advisory Board meets 4-5 times a year. The Regional Advisory Board assesses the relationship of our activities and results to the development needs of the region. The Regional Advisory Board offers its expert views on how we can develop our operations to a new level. The feedback from the Regional Advisory Board helps us identity areas for development and create innovative solutions.
Who can become a member of the Regional Advisory Board?
Five new members are invited to join the Regional Advisory Board each year for a two-year term. Members shall be invited from persons who meet the following criteria as closely as possible:
1. They have a broad knowledge of the development situation in the region in the areas defined by the Turku UAS strategy.
2. People in decision-making positions in areas identified as key in the Turku UAS strategy, in business, public organisations, politics or third sector organisation.
3. People are very familiar with the Turku UAS, for example through their studies or work background.
Advisory Board of the Arts Academy
The Arts Academy has one multidisciplinary advisory board. Its term of office is two years.
Engineering, ICT and Business Advisory Boards
There are five advisory boards in the field of engineering, ICT and industrial engineering and business. Their work provides us with important information on the region’s skills and development needs.
The term of office of the Advisory Board is two years. In addition to our partners from the world of work, the members of all advisory boards are members of our UAS community: students and staff.
Health and Well-being Advisory Boards
There are nine advisory boards in the faculty of health and well-being. Through the work of these boards, we gain important insights into the region’s skills and development needs.
The term of office of the advisory boards is two years. In addition to our business partners, all boards are made up of members of the UAS community: students and staff.