
A librarian guides a person through the search for information on the computer.

As a customer in the library

How to get a library card

Library card and borrowing rights are free of charge for all users. The library is open to everyone, so you can continue to use the library after you finish your studies or employment.

The customer’s data is stored in the library’s customer register (privacy notice). The library card is personal and once you receive it, you are responsible for the material borrowed and you agree to abide by the library’s user regulations. If you lose your library card, please notify the library immediately.

If you are a degree student at Turku UAS, you can obtain a mobile library card. Send a message from your Turku UAS email to Enter your name and date of birth in the message. You will be notified when you have a mobile card. If you wish, you can get a physical library card when you visit the library during service hours.

If you are not a degree student at Turku UAS, fill in the library card application, come to the campus library during the service hours and take your identity card with you. You will receive a library card, which also includes a mobile card.

Library card application


Libraries use self-check machines. A library card is required to borrow material. Loan periods vary depending on the material.

  • Books and theses 28 days
  • Electronic theses freely available in the Turku UAS Finna search service
  • Textbooks 14 days
  • Short loan 1 day
  • Videos, DVDs and audio recordings 14 days
  • Sheet music 28 days
  • Reference collection items overnight and weekend loan. Materials are borrowed from library staff one hour before the end of the service hours and returned to the same campus library on the next library opening day at the beginning of the service hours.
  • Printed journals the loan period varies from campus to campus.

The collections on loan from campus libraries focus on materials in the fields studied on campus. You can find more detailed information about the library’s materials, their loan periods and the exact location of the materials in in the Turku UAS Finna Search service

Students with reading difficulties can borrow textbooks as audiobooks via the Accessibility Library Celia. Students who find it difficult to read a normal printed book for health or learning disability reasons have access to Celia’s audiobook service. The library registers patrons as users of the Celia online service during campus library service hours.


Loans are automatically renewed for 12 months, unless there are reservations. If a loan cannot be renewed, you will receive a reminder by email three days before the due date and again on the due date.

When the automatic renewal time is up, the loans must be returned or borrowed again at the library.

Night and weekend loans will not be renewed.


You can return your loan to any Turku UAS campus libraries except EduCity:

  • Kupittaa Campus Library Lemppari: return your loans during the library’s opening hours using the self-check machine. Outside the library’s opening hours, returns can be left in the return drop box located next to the library door in the campus lobby or outside the building.
  • Arts library Sigyn: return your loans during library opening hours using the self-check machine. Outside the library’s opening hours, returns can be left in the return drop box next to the machine or in the library’s premises.
  • Salo: return your loans during library opening hours at the self-check machine.

A library card is not required for return. The loan period ends on the due date at the end of the campus library’s opening hours.

Loans left in the return box will be returned from your loans during library service hours. Please note that the return boxes located inside the building are only available on weekdays during campus opening hours.

Loans returned late will be subject to an overdue fine. The overdue fine must be paid even if the reminder of the approaching due date or the reminder for overdue loans has not been received. The fines and fees can be paid online in Turku UAS Finna or by debit card at Kupittaa Campus library Lemppari and the Arts library Sigyn.

Three reminders are sent by email for overdue loans that have not been returned. After the third reminder, an invoice will be sent for the unreturned material.


You can make reservations for the material in Turku UAS Finna or by contacting the library.

You can reserve materials on loan, materials available on the shelf and materials in stock. You can pick up your reservation from the Turku UAS campus library of your choice.

Log in to Turku UAS Finna with your Turku UAS credentials or with a one-time login link. Read the instructions on how to log in and make a reservation in Finna.

When the item you have reserved is available for pick up, you will receive an item available notice by email. Textbooks will be available for pick up for three working days and other materials for five working days.

Loans from libraries outside Turku UAS

Material that is not available in the Turku UAS library or in the collection of any local library can be borrowed from elsewhere. The library will place the order with another library on your behalf. The sending library will determine the loan period and other terms of use.

You can request materials using the interlibrary loan form or by visiting the library.

Interlibrary loan services, i.e. ordering material from another library, is subject to a fee.

Interlibrary loan services for libraries

We remotely lend material found from the Turku UAS Finna except AV material, orchestral material, manuscript material and textbooks. Paper copies of electronic full-text materials acquired by the library are provided if the user agreement allows it.

Interlibrary loans are subject to a fee. Place an interlibrary loan request. Place an interlibrary loan request.

Contact interlibrary loan services:


Library service price list

Valid from 13.1.2023

Services are VAT free except for printouts and contractual services. The campus libraries accept only card payments. The minimum amount to be charged is 1€. Fines and fees can also be paid via Turku UAS Finna. Log in to your account.

Overdue fines
  • Overdue fine for loans 0,30 € / item / day
  • Overdue fine for textbooks 1 € / book / day
  • Overdue fine for night and weekend loans 1 € / item / hour after the first opening hour
  • Maximum overdue fine for textbooks and night and weekend loans 10 € / item / loan or renewal and for other material 6 € / item / loan or renewal
  • The highest overdue fine charged at one time is 50 €.

A customer with unpaid overdue fines worth of 15€ or more cannot take material out on loan until the fines are paid for.

Reservations and transport between campus libraries

Reservation and transport of material between campus libraries is free of charge.

Interlibrary loan services
Items and photocopies of articles ordered from other libraries

Turku UAS students and staff:

  • Customers paying cash: From Finland 5€ / item, from the Nordic countries 10€ / item and from other countries at a price determined by the sending library
  • Customers who are invoiced: the fee charged by the sending library, minimum charge for photocopies 5€ / article

Other customers:

  • Customers paying cash: domestic 15 € / item, Nordic 20 € / item and other countries at a price determined by the sending library
  • Customers who are invoiced: the fee charged by the sending library, minimum charge for photocopies 5€ / article

Interlibrary loans that have not been picked up will be charged fully.

Items and photocopies from own collection sent to other libraries
  • For public libraries in Finland: €10 per item
  • For other libraries: 20 € / item
  • For libraries abroad: 20 € / item, articles 10€ / article

Interlibrary loans and copies of articles are free of charge for UAS libraries.

Information seeking

Information retrieval assignments

  • Units and projects of Turku UAS: by agreement
Training services

Information skills training and other customised training

  • Units and projects of Turku UAS: by agreement
  • Other units: by agreement

Introduction to library services: free of charge, agreement beforehand

Information skills and research training: free of charge, agreement beforehand

Other charges
  • Replacement of lost or damaged materials: The item can be replaced with an identical item, or the customer will be charged a replacement fee of EUR 60. The fee varies depending on the value of the item lost or damaged. Processing charge of EUR 10 per invoice.
  • Printouts: EUR 0.20 per page (inc. 25,5% VAT) per black and white printouts and EUR 0.50 (inc. 25,5% VAT) per page per color printouts. Minimum charge for printouts is EUR 1.
  • Library discards: EUR 1-5 per item, items with an exceptional value or items discarded from a special collection: a market price.
User regulations

The library of Turku University of Applied Sciences primarily serve the Turku UAS students and staff, but the library is open to other customers as well. Using of library collections and facilities requires following these regulations.

Library card

Borrowing of library material requires a library card issued by the Turku UAS library. The minimum age for receiving a library card is 15 years. Identification for customer register is also required. Every customer has the right to check the information about him/herself in the customer register. Children under 15 years of age are granted a library card with the written consent of an adult guardian. The guardian must also enter their personal data into the customer register.

The library card is personal. The holder of the card is responsible for his/her card and the material borrowed with it or borrowed with the card of a person they have guaranteed. If you lose your library card, you must report it to the library. After the library has received the announcement of a lost card, the customer is no longer responsible for material borrowed with the card in question. For replacement of the lost card, the customer gets a new one.

Students’ personal and contact details are updated into the library management system automatically through the student register (PEPPI).


The loan periods are announced in the campus libraries and on the website of the library. The loan time expires at the due date by the time library closes. Exceptions to this rule (e.g. night loans) are announced at the campus libraries.

Loans are automatically renewed for 12 months as of the loan date unless there are reservations for them. After that loans must either be returned or renewed at the library. It is possible to reserve any material that can be borrowed. The library has the right to prioritize reservations by Turku UAS staff and students. The customer cannot reserve material that he/she has borrowed for him/herself. The library can temporarily or permanently limit the lending of any material that belong to the collection.

Each customer has the right to see the information that has been saved in the library customer register concerning themselves.

Fees and compensations

Lending free of charge. After the due date, the library charges an overdue fine and charging costs. Forfeiting or damaging of library property must be compensated.

The library has the right to charge for any other service except lending. List of fees and other charges are available at the campus libraries and on the website.

The library is not responsible for any damage to customer’s appliances caused by a borrowed material or recording.

Forfeiture of lending right

The customer may forfeit the lending right due to unpaid charges and compensations, or through infringing library regulations.

Disturbing behavior at the library may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of lending rights. The library personnel has the right to urge the disturbing customer to leave the library premises.

Customer register

The library’s customer register complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and it is exclusively used in loan control. Register information will not be conveyed outside library (Turku UAS Library’s Privacy Notice).

Other regulations

In addition to general library rules, some campus libraries may have their own specific rules in harmony with those above. All rules and regulations are public information and available in every campus library.

Changes to contact information

The personal and contact info of Turku UAS students is updated to the library from the Student Register (PEPPI). Library notification letters to students and staff are always sent to the Turku UAS email address.

If you are not a student at Turku UAS, please report your changed contact information to the library. Please also remember to notify us of any changes to your email address so that the announcements related to library reservations and loans can reach you.

If you use the Turku UAS library card in some other scientific library, please report the change of contact information to that library as well.

Information skills workshops and consultation

The information skills workshops are open for all Turku UAS degree students working on their thesis. See Messi intranet for more information.

Consultation on information seeking is available for Turku UAS staff. See Messi intranet for more information.

Collections, e-resources and guides

The majority of the library’s collections are e-resources, acquired for the use of students and staff. You can borrow print books, magazines, music, sheet music and films from the campus libraries. Textbooks are primarily acquired as e-books or, if this is not possible, in print. All materials can be found Turku UAS Finna Search service

Library in figures

Opening hours

150 hours per week (service + self-service)


  • 53 350 / 76 400 printed books / items
  • 73 current journal titles
  • 2410 sheet music titles
  • 22 500 electronic journal titles
  • 280 000 electronic book titles


29 300 loans and renewals per year

Customer visits

43 600 visitors per year

Web services visits

582 000 visits to the library’s website and Turku UAS Finna search service

E-resource usage record

1 437 000 downloads, record views or searches from all the e-resources

Information skills training

966 hours per year / 1830 credits