Sustainable development and environmental responsibility

Green leaves in close-up, blurred background

Our goal

Our sustainable development and environmental responsibility programme focuses on increasing handprint and reducing footprint. Our handprint is made up of three elements: education, RDI activities and management and staff competence.

Our education produces experts, with the knowledge, skills and motivation to promote sustainable development in working world and throughot society. Through our RDI activities, we develop solutions to sustainability challenges.

We act as economically, ecologically and socially responsible employers and employees. Our staff are familiar with and guided by important sustainable development policies related to their work. In terms of our footprint, we aim to reduce our emissions, increase carbon sinks and prevent nature loss.

At Turku University of Applied Sciences, our everyday work is guided by our own sustainability and responsibility programme. Sustainable development and environmental responsibility are at the core of our strategy.

Sustainable development in education

Our education prepares experts, with the knowledge, skills and motivation to promote sustainable development in the working world and in society. In addition to expertise related to their respective fields, all our graduates have at least basic knowledge of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

Sustainable development and social responsibility are integrated into all our degree programmes. We promote accessibility in higher education so that everyone can strive and expertise regardless of their family background, gender, language, ethnic background, nationality, disability, place of residence or any other factor beyond the individual.

Read more about our education.

Sustainable development in RDI activities

Sustainable and environmentally responsible RDI activities provide solutions to sustainability challenges, promote sustainable development and reduce the impact of climate change. Sustainable RDI activities take into account the principles of ecological, economical, social and cultural sustainability and environmental responsibility. We work with students and in partnership with the higher education community, business and the public sector to promote awareness of sustainability challenges and solutions.

We use and develop evaluation criteria jointly with our partners to promote and increase the sustainability and environmetal responsibility of our RDI activities. All our RDI projects are evaluated according to sustainability criteria that assess the project’s

  • ecological,
  • economic,
  • social and
  • cultural sustainability.

Read more about our RDI activities.

Equality and equal opportunities

For us, social responsibility means a thriving and caring university community, where every member is unique and important. We promote the wellbeing of our community and invest in accessibility in education.

Our activities are guided by the Equal Turku UAS Plan, which is updated every two years. Our equality expert monitors and promotes the implementation of equality and accessibility plans, especially from a student perspective.

Read more about our equality work.

Want to know more about our responsibility work? Contact our sustainable development coordinator for more information.

  • Taru Konst

    Principal Lecturer, Coordinator in Sustainable Development, Senior Advisor
    +358 44 907 4588

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