Hey alumni!

For us, you alumni are important partners and part of our community throughout your (working) life. We want to offer you opportunities to strengthen your skills according to your life situation. Whether you are our highly-skilled graduate or one of our awesome former exchange students, we wish to stay in touch and be your (work)life-long partner!

As part of the alumni network, you can keep up to date with developments in the field of study, make new professional contacts and help build a stronger higher education community. As an alumni, you can support our current students, share your experiences and bring new perspectives to the development of education.

The future starts with the community

Flexible training according to your life situation
Learning doesn’t end with graduation. Whether you want to strengthen your expertise or dive into a whole new field, we have a range of continuous learning opportunities to suit your life situation.

Recruit the future makers
We’re here to help you find the right talent to join your team. Whether you need someone for a job, an internship, a thesis or a project, we can reach out to students quickly and efficiently.

Strengthen your networks at alumni events
We offer opportunities for alumni to hear fresh ideas, share experiences and meet new people at alumni events. We mainly inform you through our newsletter, so please keep your contact details up to date.

Take advantage of community offers for our services
Turku University of Applied Sciences offers services not only to organisations, but also to individuals. By keeping your contact details up to date in the alumni register, you will always be informed about current offers for members of our community.

  • Hanna Peussa

    Alumni Coordinator, Advisor
    +358 50 598 5628
  • Paulina Ahokas

    International Relations Coordinator, Alumni Coordinator
    +358 50 431 6249

Welcome to alumni events

Be inspired by our alumni

The Alumni of the Year honorary title is awarded annually to a Turku UAS alumni who has made groundbreaking, socially impactful, and excellent work in their field and who plays a role in promoting the interaction between working life and the university of applied sciences.

The Alumni of the Year can be nominated by Turku UAS alumni, students, and staff, and the selection is made by Rector-President Vesa Taatila.

Alumni of the year

2024 Lotta Luukka, media studies, 2017

2023 Niina Alho, Nurse 2006

2022 Laura Kankaala, Bachelor of Business Administration, Corporate Telecommunications and Information Security 2015

2021 Satu Pietilä, Nurse 2011, nurse (YAMK) 2013

2020 Sonja Raitamäki, Environmental Planner 2018

2019 Tom Laine, Engineer, Software and Systems Engineering 2005

2018 Juha Tuominen, Engineer, Civil Engineering 2011

2017 Christer Chrzu Lindström, animation, media studies, 2004

The Alumni Ambassadors offer an excellent opportunity to be actively involved in the development and visibility of the institution. Alumni Ambassadors are our graduates who have built up significant expertise in their field and now want to share their experience and support current students and future professionals.

Alumni ambassadors act as ambassadors for Turku UAS, inspiring new students, participating in events and sharing their career stories. Ambassadorship is not only a way to give back – it is also an excellent opportunity for networking, increasing visibility and strengthening your own expert profile.

Opportunities for the participation of the Alumni Ambassador

Developing alumni activities

Alumni are one of the most important stakeholders and working life partners of Turku University of Applied Sciences. Through our alumni activities, we support alumni’s competence, networking and influence at Turku University of Applied Sciences. Alumni activities should therefore meet the wishes and needs of alumni.

The basis of the alumni ambassadors’ activities is to develop our alumni activities. As an ambassador, you get to brainstorm and plan the activities that alumni need and want. And, on the other hand, what alumni can bring from the world of work to the UAS.

Increasing the visibility of alumni

Alumni is still a foreign word for some. However, every graduate is an alumnus and an important partner for the UAS. One of the objectives of the Alumni Ambassadors is to increase the visibility and awareness of our alumni. As an Alumni Ambassador, you can make alumni more visible by sharing your career story, participating in social media challenges and sharing information about alumni events with your network.

Cooperation with education in your field

Alumni also work closely with schools. Alumni provide knowledge and experience of working life and are able to shape the content and priorities of training courses to better meet the needs of working life.

As an alumni ambassador, you can focus on developing alumni activities at the level of training.

Developing continuous learning for alumni

Continuous learning is about developing and renewing skills at different stages of your life and career. Continuous learning refers to those forms of education and training that are offered mainly to non-degree students. Continuous learning as a whole covers open university of applied sciences education, specialised training, separate study rights, preparatory training for migrants and continuing training for which a fee is charged.

Workplace relevance should be the starting point for the design of continuous learning training. It is essential for working life, both for students and companies, that there is flexibility to combine learning with work, that training can start and can still be completed at a time that suits the student. For us, as a training provider, this is a place for development and continuous learning. What kind of continuous learning training products are best suited to enable the working age population in our region to learn new things in a continuous, complementary way?

As an Alumni Ambassador, you can contribute to the development of continuous learning content together with the Continuous Learning team.

Performing at events and occasions

Turku University of Applied Sciences organises many events and occasions based on alumni activities as well as other activities. Events can include training courses, webinars, fairs and networking events.

As an alumni ambassador, you can visit and perform at these events based on your own interests. You can act as a speaker, a career story teller or other performer.

Business cooperation with alumni or career and recruitment services

Turku University of Applied Sciences cooperates a lot with companies. Turku UAS has a career and recruitment service, which provides information on job, internship, thesis and project vacancies in companies for students of Turku UAS.

Alumni ambassadors can also work with career and recruitment services or alumni activities as a representative of a company, for example in the form of a company presentation.

You commit to being an alumni ambassador for the academic year (autumn + spring). Alumni Ambassadors meet with the Alumni Coordinators to brainstorm and develop activities together. Based on the above opportunities for involvement and individual interests, the Ambassadors may also be involved in other ways.

Interested? The next call for alumni ambassadors will open in May 2025.

Get to know us!

I definitely joined with the idea that I can pass on some of my own experiences, ideas and help — I see the common thread in ambassadorship as the genuine enthusiasm of all ambassadors to give and share ideas. The good thing about it is the people – both the ambassadors and the staff of the AMK.

Business Alumni Ambassador

For me in particular, it has been a great and wonderful opportunity to make my own work visible! And above all, to speak well of a much maligned sector. In general, it could be an opportunity to influence the visibility of my own work and its various positive aspects through various channels.

Health Alumni Ambassador