For media

Our communications and marketing unit helps with all matters related to media visibility, communications and marketing.

Ask us for advice when you’re looking for

  • An expert or a topic for the media
  • Photos of Turku University of Applied Sciences for media
  • Our logo or graphic instructions.

You can also contact us for communication or marketing cooperation.

Looking for an expert or a topic?

Turku University of Applied Sciences has a wide range of experts from different fields on topical and societal issues. You can search for an expert by keyword or contact us to find a suitable expert. Contact one of our communication experts or

In the material bank you can find Turku University of Applied Sciences’ illustrations for media use.

We regularly send out national and regional Press Releases. If you would like to receive our media releases by email, please contact:

  • Mari Loikkanen

    Communications Advisor
    +358 50 465 8512
  • Juha Sopanen

    Communications Advisor
    +358 50 598 5537

Communication, marketing and filming

If you have questions concerning the use of the Turku UAS logo, filming in our premises or other communication and marketing matters, you can contact: or our Brand Manager.

Turku UAS logos

The logo of Turku UAS consists of the name and a sun icon. The logo is used in black and white, but the sun is always yellow.

  • The black logo is used on a white background, and the white version on a dark background. The logo is never used on a yellow background, because that would cause the sun to drown in the background.
  • You can place the logo over an image. The image beneath must be calm so that the logo is clearly separate from the background and remains readable.
  • When the logo is not on a white background, always use the PNG file that has no background.
  • In justified exceptions, a full white or full black version of the logo can be used. Ensure the use:
  • Buffer zone: always leave a free space around the logo. The space should be the same size as the logo’s letter T.
Finnish logo (primary use)

The png files are suitable for most digitals materials. The difference between the png and jpg files is that the png files don’t have a backgorund color on the image. The pdf files are vector graphics and can be used e.g. in printed materials. There are two versions of the pdf files one for coated printing materials and one for uncoated printing materials. 

Finnish-English logo (can be used in international context)

Please contact us for more information:

Filming in the premises of Turku UAS

Filming in the premises of the University of Applied Sciences is subject to a fee if the material is for commercial purposes. Journalistic filming is free of charge.

The filming must not cause any disruption to the operation of the building or create obstacles to movement. Photographing bystanders is only allowed with written permission. Please make prior arrangements with the Communications Department of the University of Applied Sciences and let them know where, when and how you want to film:

Pricing of descriptions

  • Half day (4h) 250 € + VAT
  • Full day (8h) 500 € + VAT

Filming requires pre-arranged locations, max 3. If separate space reservations are required, they will be charged at the normal space rental rate.


Our sponsorship policy  

We selectively support projects that are essential to the operations of Turku University of Applied Sciences and that promote the well-being of young adults in particular.

  • Sponsorships are selected according to our quality process, and they must reflect our values of openness, community spirit and responsibility.
  • We do not support political, religious or ethically questionable activities or activities that are harmful to the environment. 

Primarily, we support our own students and activities, events and organisations close to us. In return, we offer, for example, the expertise of our staff and students, our facilities or visibility on our campuses and in our own communication channels. We take a cautious approach to paid sponsorship. We give priority to cooperation proposals that support our strategy and promote our operations: teaching, research, development and innovation (RDI), and regional development. Logo visibility alone is not a basis for cooperation.  

How do I submit a sponsorship request?

We receive numerous sponsorship requests every year. In order to be fair to all parties, we only accept sponsorship requests via the form below. We process sponsorship requests once a month. Please bear this in mind when making your request.  

  • Mari Hartemo

    Brand Manager
    +358 50 512 2658
    marketing, communication, management, strategy