A visually impaired student’s report has made a difference

Sometimes even small, everyday observations can lead to big changes. When Lara Febles was introduced to the accessibility of learning spaces at Turku University of Applied Sciences, hardly anyone could have guessed what would follow. Now Turku University of Applied Sciences also has its own equality expert.

Opaskoira nuolee paljettimekkoisen henkilön leukaa.

In the main photo, Lara Febles and her guide dog Mister H.

Text by Turun AMK
Lara Febles’ photos by Antti Ala-Könni and Elli Sillanpää photo by Tina Myllyniemi

Lara’s internship at Turku University of Applied Sciences opened up new perspectives on achievement for the whole higher education community. For example, Lara’s idea gave birth to Turku University of Applied Sciences’ first Accessibility Week in spring 2023, during which information on accessibility was shared with staff and students, especially via social media.

– As a visually impaired student, I can bring things to light that are not necessarily noticed in the everyday life of higher education institutions,” Lara, who produced an inspiring comic for Turku AMK’s Instagram channel, said.

A person in a sequined dress with a guide dog.
Lara Febles and her guide dog Mister H explored all the learning spaces at Turku University of Applied Sciences. Lara recorded her findings in an impressive presentation and inspired others to join in.

The equality expert promotes everyone’s interests

The issues presented by Lara Febles also resulted in a concrete, significant improvement: the Equality Specialist Elli Sillanpää was appointed at Turku University of Applied Sciences for the autumn semester 2023.

Ell’s main area of responsibility is student equality, including accessibility: how well facilities, systems, teaching methods and attitudes enable inclusion and equality for all students. In addition, our equality specialist’s work includes issues such as anti-racism and multiculturalism.

Elli Sillanpää, an equality expert at Turku University of Applied Sciences, sits in a yellow wool coat on the steps of Taito.

It is important that different minorities are taken into account in higher education: everyone should have access to the education they want, regardless of their background, and feel welcome and safe while studying.

Elli Sillanpää
Equality expert

How you can do your bit to promote equality

  • Examine and challenge your own prejudices. We all have them.
  • Learn to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This is how you enable change.
  • Pay attention to what and how you say to another person face to face and on social media.
  • Don’t be afraid to have an open discussion on the subject. By discussing, we can learn more and make a difference.

The news was published on 6.2.2023 on the previous turkuamk.fi website and updated on 13.6.2024.

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